customer support customer service talesfromretail petty-revenge-reddit retail revenge customers revenge-stories petty revenge tales-from-retail revenge-stories-reddit - 23755525

'She avoided eye contact with me': Customer gets back at presumptive sales associate for judging them based on appearance

We're silently judging each other all the time. Like it or not, it's a part of being human. Most of the time, these are calculated judgments, and they're made for good reason in order to avoid conflict and preemptively determine whether or not it is a good idea to broach particular topics of conversation with the person you're talking to—like deciding whether or not a political conversation is appropriate at your family's Christmas gathering. Even the most tolerant saint-like individuals among…
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'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

Workplace bullies are the worst for an obscene amount of reasons. The first is that you couldn't leave even if you wanted to because you came here to work, not to have fun. So either you give in to the bully or lose it and end up losing your job. The story that follows is about an emerging adult who is entering the workforce for the very first time. Unfortunately, OP had to deal with the worst workplace bully I have ever heard of. Nevertheless, as fate would have it, OP saw his chance and seize…
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‘Does he just want us all to quit?’: Boss enforces mandatory two-hour stand-up meeting at 8:00 am every day, worker rebels

‘Does he just want us all to quit?’: Boss enforces mandatory two-hour stand-up meeting at 8:00 am every day, worker rebels

Talk about starting 2024 on the wrong foot! It feels like there are a million ways for a horrible boss to anger and frustrate their employees, but even those of us here at FAIL Blog understand that sometimes there is no other choice and hard decisions have to be made. That being said, choosing to enforce mandatory meetings two hours early every single day where everyone has to stand does not feel like a decision that needed to be made. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Classic-Dog8399 , who…
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'Everybody is joining in, and it’s hilarious': Neighborhood joins together to combat traffic light issue

'Everybody is joining in, and it’s hilarious': Neighborhood joins together to combat traffic light issue

An entire neighborhood was stuck waiting in traffic , until a hero showed up. As if commutes weren't annoying enough, this person, u/sturtze, kept getting stuck in traffic every single day. That's bound to happen when everyone is trying to get to work by 8 or 9 in the morning. The roads clog up with cars, which can create bottlenecks and long waits. But this person had a uniquely bad scenario, as they shared in their malicious compliance story below. This is a great story of neighbors working t…
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'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

'You're not entitled to this spot!': Top Stories of Entitled Karens, Neighbors, and Family Members

Now that the year has come to a close, let's look back at some of the most memorable stories of entitled people and their ridiculous tantrums. From a neighbor who claimed someone else's parking spot indefinitely to a sister-in-law's outlandish demand… from a former landlord's unnecessary request to a guy who ran off with his brother's ex … let's just say that 2023 was not short on entitled behavior. Hopefully, people remember what it is to be generous, or at the very least decent , next year. T…
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‘You can bill her for it’: Woman cancels $400 phone plan under roommate's name after roommate refuses to pay half of $1700 in apartment repairs

‘You can bill her for it’: Woman cancels $400 phone plan under roommate's name after roommate refuses to pay half of $1700 in apartment repairs

You really roll the dice when you move in with someone… Whether that's a spouse, a friend, or a complete stranger, like a roommate. One woman moved in with her best friend, and we all know that can either go amazingly, or it can go as south as south can go… Guess which way this situation went? So, after a while of living together, OP's roommate began doing some questionable things, which at first, did not affect OP in the slightest. That is, until one day, this roommate had to bail out the pers…
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casual casual-friday business-casual clothes fashion fashionable style stylish work workplace worker coworkers employee working supervisor boss manager managers

'Clients talked to me like I was the boss': Stylist employee gets the stink-eye from management after upstaging them in swagger

Fashion matters. In the workplace, your clothing can reflect more than just your style and can shed light on your position in the office hierarchy as well. Only a deluded person would think that they can score a management position at a marble-floored company while wearing a pair of plaid pajamas in their interview. Even in the digital age, sometimes, you actually need to dress to impress.
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'I saw people trying to take selfies with a bear': 15+ Tourists who were unprepared for the national parks they were visiting

'I saw people trying to take selfies with a bear': 15+ Tourists who were wildly unprepared for the national parks they were visiting

You may be smarter than a bear, but there's no way you're stronger or faster! And if you think you could take on a charging bear, then the bear is also smarter than you. The USA is full of gorgeous national parks . No two are alike, and they vary greatly from state to state. Some are great for hiking and exploring mountains, while others, like Yellowstone, have hot springs and natural beauty that draw in lots of admirers. You'd think visitors would want to read up on park information, or check…
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'Have fun working overtime': Manager denies senior employee a promotion after completing project, so employee quits, leaving manager to meet deadlines on their own

'Have fun working overtime': Manager denies senior employee a promotion after completing project, so employee quits, leaving manager to meet deadlines on their own

The budget for employee retention vs the budget for new hires is simply not on the same scale, and it's a pity because that's a huge reason for high turnover rates. This employee was denied a well-deserved promotion, which led them to quit, leaving the company in the dust, and management working overtime to meet deadlines. In this case, the budget was less of a problem, and the work method was what got this employee. OP had given their all to their employer, but we all know how that goes… You t…
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getting fired fired roommate revenge petty revenge psycho roommate terrible roommate roommates - 23745029

'I got my dirty roommate fired': Woman gets back at messy roommate by getting him fired from his job

Seldom will your attitude and deeds in your personal life have any effect on your professional one. You can be the worst friend, the worst family member, and the worst roommate , and—barring any sort of criminal convictions, massive scandals, or anything personal affecting your performance at work—no one is going to fire you for it. While this may be the case, how you conduct yourself matters; call it Karma, if you will, but sooner or later, your actions are going to have consequences down the…
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'My work gets everyone a birthday cake but me': Top Mildly Infuriating Work Stories

'My work gets everyone a birthday cake but me': Top Mildly Infuriating Work Stories

This past year, we've seen some classic mildly infuriating moments in the workplace that serve as a necessary reminder that workplace culture is in desperate need of a makeover. This collection of stories, compiled from the top work-related stories from Reddit's r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit, showcases a variety of ways your boss, manager, or supervisor can intentionally or unintentionally offend you. Some of these stories include scheduling mixups, managers not honoring previously requested da…
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pro revenge parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge - 23710213

'She's terrible at driving': Dude gets back at parking lot spot-stealer

Humans have long waged war over finite resources—like toilet paper and parking spaces—willing to come to blows over a rectangle of processed paper or a rectangle of asphalt that's marginally closer to a store entrance than that other rectangle area of asphalt at the back of the lot. Yeah, we're just kind of wired that way—monkeys feuding over territory and resources. At the first sign that we might miss out on something due to its limited availability, we're compelled by the overwhelming desire…
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'No signed card, no room': Elderly lady refuses to sign registration card at local hotel, so front desk clerk refuses to check her in

'No signed card, no room': Elderly lady refuses to sign registration card at local hotel, so front desk clerk refuses to check her in

You know how it goes… Follow the policy, or you won't get a room. Apparently, not everyone got the memo. One elderly lady was staying at a hotel for quite some time following an operation she had at a local hospital, and the staff were happy to have her. They gave her free room service, a discount, great treatment, you name it… She got it all. But when the time came for her to reauthorize her card, she refused. Instead of signing a piece of paper and following the rules, she pulled the 'Don't y…
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Top 20 Workers who had just one job and still made mistakes (December 31, 2023)

Top 20 Workers who had just one job and still made mistakes (December 31, 2023)

Every job comes with responsibilities, but that's just a suggestion. Who says you have to complete the job you're paid to do every single day? That seems like a lot of work. And since many people don't even like their job, and are underpaid, you get results like the ones below. Sometimes, employees just can't be bothered to do their job correctly. I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe they're resentful of their boss, perhaps they're tired or distracted, or maybe it's an elaborate performance…
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'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

If you give unclear, contradictory instructions to your employees, you're just asking for problems. It makes you wonder how these supervisors got promoted in the first place. Clarity is pretty much the most important part of the job, and if you can't do that, you have no business expecting your team to follow you blindly. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Correct_Campaign3707 , who worked on the Member Service team at a retail company and was tasked with ch…
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'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

I think we've all had to deal with a smug and entitled manager at some point in our lives. My personal experience has shown me that it's simpler to find a method of working with them as opposed to confronting them outright. The story that follows is about a dissatisfied employee who works in a shipyard that specializes in ship repair and refitting. We are talking about a hardworking blue-collar worker. But things take a bitter turn when the entitled manager—who is occasionally referred to as EB…
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