

karens instant karma parking lot driving entitled karma karen parking entitled people traffic parking-drama driver-drama traffic-and-parking-stories entitled-people-stories - 20459525

'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway, but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened, he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. The story was witnessed and shared to r/MaliciousCompliance by a truck driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this…
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instant karma revenge entertaining-stories petty revenge driving driver jerk karma traffic-stories - 20347653

'I honked at him': Horn-honking pickup driver gets a taste of his own medicine

The honking of one's horn is a divisive subject; either you're someone who uses their horn frequently and liberally, or your car might as well not have had one installed in the first place. In my view, the horn is there for a reason: to make sure others are aware of your presence if you're concerned they're not already or to make them aware that the traffic light turned green ten seconds ago. Don't get me wrong; there is a multitude of ways that people abuse and misuse it—protecting your fragil…
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I put a fake note on a Corvettes windshield that read "Sorry I hit your car, you probably won't even notice the damage" because it was taking up four spots.

'You probably won't even notice': Driver shares their solution for dealing with a parking spot hog

No one actually needs four whole parking spots for their car, but this guy certainly felt entitled to them! Searching for parking spaces is time consuming while making you feel silly at the same time. You have to do endless loops around the lot, trying to find just one singular spot to park your car . You may even think you see a spot, but as you pull up, you spot a smaller car has already claimed the spot. So you do another lap, and another, and so on… The only thing that would worsen the expe…
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'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

Growing older brings wisdom, but for these folks, it's also come with some irritations as well. Nothing ever stays the same. When you're a kid, you get used to life as it is, and then you grow up, and it's a whirlwind of new technology, meeting new people who go in and out of your life, careers, travel, and much more. It feels like you were a teenager just yesterday, but suddenly there are wrinkles under your eyes, and your knees are aching, and you have never heard of the slang these kids are…
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boyfriend aita FAIL driving girlfriend reddit thread Reddit security camera - 20101381

'AITA for posting a video of my girlfriend crashing her car?': Dude posts embarrassing video of GF and sells footage, friends and coworkers find the video

This guy has to know deep down that he's in the wrong here.
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trashy cars driving junk - 19867909

25+ Tricked-out junkyard jalopies that really shouldn't be driving anywhere

Lots of high-end cars in the world are stunningly souped-up… anyway, here are 25+ vehicles that are the exact opposite of that. People take such pride in their cars . After all, lots of us spend hours every week driving to work , stores, friends' houses, and more. Since it's such a source of pride, folks will spend thousands to make their rides as cool as possible. But clearly, as these people below can attest to, it doesn't always go quite right. Check out these bizarre cars. Then, this woman…
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AITA for installing a GPS tracker in my 15 year old daughter's car?

Mom Installs GPS Tracker in Unlicensed Teen's Car & It backfires!

This Mom thought outlining the tires with chalk and installing a GPS tracker would stop her unlicensed teenage daughter from taking out her car when her parents weren't home. Rookie mistake.
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Neighbors kept parking in our lot. I froze them out.

'I call the tow company — they can't do anything': Party-goers infuriated by icy surprise after loud late-night party

One neighbor got so fed up with parking issues that he took a strategic approach that no one would ever forget. This person wrote that the story took place around 20 years ago, at a time when he lived in an apartment building with parking space for 16 cars. However, the OP, u/BrightRick, noticed that all of the sudden random strangers were taking up all this parking. The OP tried to get these cars moved through all the usual channels. They talked with police, who said there was nothing to be do…
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Work from home wfh work memes funny relatable commute traffic driving the worst office home office meme tgif

20+ Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 9, 2023)

Commuting to work must be the biggest waste of time known to man. You sit in traffic on the freeway for 45 minutes with a stale drive through coffee in your hand, meetings to panic about, and road rage in your heart . Now imagine if your office was only 10 steps away from your bedroom? 20 steps away from your kitchen and fully stocked cupboard? Not only do you have full access to all of the luxuries of home (snacks, good coffee, comfortable pants, and your pets), but your "commute" takes about…
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Woman road rages against me. Gets arrested during Christmas

'The look on her face was PRICELESS': Guy cuts Karen off while driving, leads to wild road rage incident

This has got to be one of the most insane car chases to appear on the r/pettyrevenge subreddit.
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road rage tailgate tailgating driving driver wreckless passing speed limit police ticket speeding fail instant karma cruise control rural backroads highway sketchy dangerous

'Instant karma!': Impatient driver gets what he deserves after harassing and tailgating a local man on a dangerous, rural highway

Road rage is a slippery slope that a lot of people have fallen victim to. For some reason, the anonymity behind the wheel gives people a false sense of power and safety, prompting them to do things and act in ways they wouldn't if they were just walking on the street. However, behind the wheel of a 2 ton iron box on wheels, people get irritable, impatient, and fired up. One man, u/iceariina , dealt with the brunt of classic road rage on the dark, midnight streets of a rural highway along his co…
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30 License plates created by brutally honest drivers

30 License plates created by brutally honest drivers

Car lovers, gather ‘round - these are real drivers out on the roads, rocking some excellent custom license plates.
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What's the smallest hill you're willing to die on?

20+ People share their tiniest but strongest-held opinions

Whenever this question floats around the r/AskReddit sub, it warms my heart: What is the smallest hill you're willing to die on?
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Oh you’re gonna call cops bc 1/5th of my car is past the no parking sign, guess I’m gonna park there everyday now

'The last time I parked there, the lady [...] looked LIVID': Woman gets petty revenge on entitled neighbors by parking in their spot

This Karen neighbor does not own a public parking spot!
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Aunt shows up at my house, with all her stuff, **TELLS ME** she's going to be living with me for a while.

'My Aunt cut the lock off my front gate': Crazy Aunt Karen drives across the country, trespasses, and demands to stay in nephew's guest room

If you see a crazy Karen flailing about in the woods, you know whose aunt this is.
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AITA for calling the police on my fiance?

Man Calls Police on Fiancé For Not Returning Home, We Suspect Cheating

How does a half-hour drive turn into a whole night gone? Hmm...
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