'[I] would have took my tip away instantly': Grocery shopper texts customer about their tip

'[I] would have took my tip away instantly': Grocery shopper confronts customer over tip

Would a message like this make you a better tipper? One grocery shopper believes so, but everyone else is split on this tactic. Grocery delivery services are a big business these days. People get lots of other items delivered daily or weekly--- it only makes sense that grocery apps would follow suit. Some people roll their eyes at the idea of getting your food delivered, but lots of the people who use it really need and appreciate the help. Maybe you're a toddler parent whose kid throws a fit e…
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family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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workplace discussion employment issues sick leave antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24101893

Boss 'quiet fires' worker by removing their name from the schedule after they miss work for illness: 'No excuse not to come in'

Nothing sows the seeds of distrust from your manager like calling out sick for work; no matter what evidence you have of your illness or incapacity, they're always going to have some degree of doubt —even if they've seen the evidence with their own two eyes.
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‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

Just like Peter Pan, some folks will never grow up. Sure, the idea of what it means to be a grown-up is mainly shaped by societal expectations. For instance, what do you mean I can’t have Pop-Tarts for breakfast or Pop-Tarts for dinner or Pop-Tarts at all times? Since I am technically an adult somehow, shouldn’t I be allowed to do whatever I want at this point? Clearly, many of us suffer from some form of arrested development. However, when these folks did not get what they wanted, they really…
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pro revenge landlord revenge landlords parenting renting petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories revenge-stories-reddit - 24100357

'I stopped paying rent': Tenant gets back at terrible landlord by building a case against them and taking them to court

Renting a home is a challenging experience, living in a place that isn't really your own under some degree of scrutiny from a landlord whose asset you're paying off for them… and that's the situation in the best of circumstances. There are plenty of landlords who won't uphold their basic obligations of maintaining their property to liveable standards, charging you more and more in rent—yet, regarding their tenants as an unfortunate inconvenience to their “investment”—refusing to fix anything wh…
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‘We got a 2nd refund’: Third-party booking service and hotel screw guy out of $600 and makes his party sleep in the basement, ends up getting double the refund

Sometimes something very very annoying has to happen to you so you can get rewarded with something very very awesome. For instance, when a huge multi-billion company finagles hundreds of extra dollars out of your hardworking hands, but then due to them being entitled and impolite, you end up getting thousands of dollars in return. It's called karma and it tastes so so sweet. Take for instance, this commenter on a Reddit post about a guy trying to get a Priceline refund. The post was about a guy…
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‘We're done with you': IT company shut down client's entire server after they denied technician access to equipment he needed in order to install hardware

‘We're done with you': IT company shut down client's entire server after they denied technician access to equipment he needed in order to install hardware

Some people have more confidence than they should, and this leads to lousy management, which in turn, leads to messes that can't always be cleaned up. One IT employee relayed the tale of the time his company shut down a client's entire server after they denied him access to the very equipment he needed in order to install the hardware for them… If you think that this is a counteractive move on their part, you would be right. The boss of the company that needed IT services was not the brightest…
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‘A breath of fresh air’: Heartless Karen throws tantrum about homeless man who ‘stinks,’ kind hotel employee pretends he's a guest and gives him free room with a hot shower

What a world we live in where kindness is something we have to “sneak” into our place of employment. It takes a truly caring person to risk their job in order to do the kind thing—especially when it comes to the U.S. and its homeless population. Most of the rules and regulations go against helping a houseless person. You constantly see employees “shooing” away homeless people from their property as if they were nothing less than a rodent who wandered in. It's heartbreaking. But what are you sup…
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realtor real-estate house home executive woman female man story 2024 wage wages market market-price over-asking asking-price sale pay money rich wealth

'I offer $55k over asking price [on a different house]': Snobby realtor loses $10,000+ on a sale after underestimating a female executive's net worth

It's 2024 and there's still a wage gap between men and women. Although bigotry in the workplace is no surprise anymore, you'd think that out in the purchasing world, money would speak louder than gender. However, in our next tale, a chauvinistic realtor shoves his foot in his mouth after assuming a woman's financial capability... And no amount of fresh-baked cookies, commission incentives, or low-interest rates could change her mind after that blunder.
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‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

Does anyone else smell a lawsuit coming? It’s pretty hard to imagine sillier circumstances to fire someone than to fire a pregnant employee mere hours before they are going to give birth. Perhaps this boss has some extremely backward sense of right and wrong, but you would think someone else at this company would inform him that pregnant women are a protected class. What’s even crazier is that this woman’s husband also works at the same company, so now there is just bad blood all around that to…
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'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

‘Your granny is a petty revenge master’
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'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

It's not always easy to quit a job, even when all the signs are telling you to leave. The journey often starts with a little voice in the back of your head saying something to the effect of “This ain't it.” Eventually, that voice gets louder and louder and you find yourself going through a short period where you attempt to convince yourself that you love it here. You try to tell yourself that other friends of yours have it so much worse or that being mistreated is better than looking for new wo…
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Dad father story reddit reddit-thread deserve patient impatient patience delivery delivery-guy relatable stories family

'You can't wait 30 seconds? You'll be waiting here for 30 minutes': Impatient dad refuses to heed a delayed delivery warning, wastes an hour dawdling for an order that's not ready yet

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it runs out. But does that sense of urgency in your old age entitle you to be a bossy know-it-all? Not exactly.
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storm entitlement freezing malicious compliance neighborhood-drama petty revenge karens in the wild winter Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 24042757

'Your wife was intending to destroy my water lines during a winter storm': Several neighbors discover the neighborhood Karen is freezing pipes overnight, leaving them without running water

In a quiet neighborhood, there's a strange story about a neighbor who's a bit of a Karen, but not the loud type. Instead of causing a scene in public, she sneaks around at night, quietly planning her revenge. That is, until her neighbor caught her on video, promoting the OP to file a police report against her. Once the word got out in the neighborhood, it was soon revealed that the OP wasn't the only one dealing with Karen's mysterious actions. It turns out she's been sneaking around to...
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'I get a text when my oven is finished preheating': 15+ Modern gadgets and gizmos that aren't actually very innovative

'I get a text when my oven is finished preheating': 15+ Modern gadgets and gizmos that aren't actually very innovative

Innovation doesn't always move us forward… sometimes it moves us backward or sideways. Not every innovative idea is a good one. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should! It's hard to know which ideas are winners until you try them. The creatives of the world have plenty of ideas to suggest, but the ones that wind up turning into new products sometimes leave a lot to be desired. These people were asked about tech inventions that are “actually worse than its predecessor," and pe…
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'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

Arrogance is the worst trait a person can have for a number of reasons. Life is dynamic; you can be at the top one day and the bottom the next. It's important to always be humble and treat others with kindness since success is relative as opposed to absolute. The story below is an account of an employee who overcame the system. Due to an injury, OP has been released from his present role. According to the terms of the employment contract, the hiring company has the legal right to terminate the…
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