'She couldn't speak for hours': Student cleverly finds a way to get back at school bully

'She couldn't speak for hours': Student cleverly finds a way to get back at school bully

Who wouldn't love to get a chance to get back at the people who were mean to them when they were kids? It is unbelievable sometimes, how mean kids can be to one another, and to think about how they learned to act like that, and why. But still, as adults, you keep reminding yourself that those are just children, and you should take anything they do in perspective, even if they are behaving unkindly. Having said that, I would have loved to get a chance to get back at some of the people who made m…
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pro revenge landlord maintenance malicious compliance revenge court innocent tenant petty rent Reddit apartment - 24116229

'His face was so red at the end I thought he'd have a heart attack': Landlord takes tenant to court after failing to pay rent, tenant wins and gets 9 months of free rent

The tenant knew he had some leverage in this case, but he never expected it to play out so well for him. The OP in this story formerly would sit in on tenant/landlord disputes for an old job of his, so he knew how to work his way around the court. In fact, the OP actually knew he'd get summoned for not paying his rent…which is exactly why he chose to do so. He wanted to blindside his landlord with all of the unlawful schemes the complex has been trying to pull for the last few years...
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'[He] cost the company over $220k': Catalog designer lets boss sign off on un-mailable catalogs

'[He] cost the company over $220k': Catalog designer lets boss sign off on un-mailable catalogs

This is what happens when you don't pay attention . It was an expensive (and probably humiliating) lesson for one boss to learn. This person had a really cool job back in the 1980s . It was a whole different world back then. In the era before the internet was widely available, advertisements would often come in the mail. Sometimes, they would take the form of catalogs. Toy catalogs were a staple of many kids' childhoods---it was fun to grab a marker and start circling all the toys you wanted as…
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‘I had enough of her’: Banker threatens to quit but stays for a generous raise, puts in her two weeks shortly after anyways when new manager brings her to tears

Sometimes you need to quit because you're not getting paid enough for the work you do. Sometimes you are getting paid well for the work you do, maybe even over the usual market value for your position, but if the work environment is making you miserable, you still need to quit. Obviously, it's up to you, do whatever you want, but are you seriously okay with having to endure such a volatile place for such a a huge chunk of your life? One banker said enough is enough. She had been working at this…
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quitting a bad job workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job work i quit petty revenge workplace employment in the workplace - 24126469

'Save a penny, lose a couple grand': Boss docks worker's pay because of dirty floors, worker walks out leaving store unattended on the busiest day of the year:

Working for a terrible boss—well, it really “sucks”… especially when they think they can dock your pay because of their own faulty vacuum. Dealing with authority figures as a teen is tough; on the one hand, they often regard you as being far more immature, dumber, and irresponsible than you actually are, and adults tend to forget how claustrophobic that constant correction and lack of agency can feel. On the other hand, there are times when that authority figure definitely had a point, and it w…
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Teenager sabotages boss's business after getting his pay docked: ''[I] took the phone off the hook [and] locked the door'

Teenager sabotages boss's business after getting his pay docked: ''[I] took the phone off the hook [and] locked the door'

There are some managers out there who are just asking for their employees to enact some petty revenge on them. For starters, docking someone's pay constantly and for unnecessary reasons is a great example of what to do if you're trying to inspire the opposite of loyalty among the people working for you. This Redditor , who was a teenager at the time, was in constant fear of getting his pay docked for no good reason. Tensions were rising as the biggest day of business for OP's boss was approachi…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work i quit quit petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24126725

Worker quits their job by walking out without saying anything: 'I had zero intention of doing a two-week notice'

People don't quit their jobs—they quit their bosses… And there's no better way to get back at a terrible manager than to be the one pulling the string that unravels their entire working world—just as this worker did to their terrible boss.
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'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

A family is made up of parents, a few children, and sometimes one or more pets. It is the parents' responsibility to raise their children, and it is the children's responsibility to take care of their pets. But what happens when the parents don't know how to take care of their kids and instead rely on the kids to take care of and support them? Well, OP has to deal with a similar scenario in the story below. OP is a twenty-two-year-old young adult. OP successfully carries out all of his adult ob…
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‘You don’t get any credit': Student presents project to entire school, making sure classmate doesn't get any credit, leading to classmate getting removed from school program

‘You don’t get any credit': Student presents project to entire school, making sure classmate doesn't get any credit, leading to classmate getting removed from school program

Every kid wants to do well in school without actually putting in the hard work, or maybe that's just me. I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, nor did I put in the work and effort to get good grades, and looking back, I can see how annoying that must have been for the other students, especially when I was involved in a group project. Those were the absolute worst… One student got really petty after one of his classmates tried to take partial credit in a joint project after not doing a singl…
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'You could tell he was annoyed': Barista's response to customer divides the internet

'You could tell he was annoyed': Barista's response to customer divides the internet

One barista had to work a shift alone , and the pressure was high. Working solo means you have to do a bunch of different tasks all at once, while a crowd of customers glares at you for not making their food and drinks quickly enough. It's the type of situation that food service workers hope to never be in, but it happens all too often thanks to call-outs. This barista told their story of what happened when they encountered a customer who they thought was being impolite . Plus, this was the typ…
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'Let's get out of here': Entitled Karen customer throws tantrum over gymnastics suit, then tries to dash without paying

'Let's get out of here': Entitled Karen customer throws tantrum over gymnastics suit, then tries to dash without paying

Whatever happened to decent customers with acceptable behavior? Everyone understands that people have their bad days or perhaps they're in a hurry and need something quickly. Still, no single person's busy schedule should allow for unacceptable comments and nasty rhetoric. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Outrageous-Gene-607 , a teenager who now has a full understanding of the dark truth about the Karens of the world. OP's mother created hand-made gymnastics suits for a living, and one day…
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'I'd never let her forget it': Student's family eats their school project

'I'd never let her forget it': Student's family eats their school project

This is the newest version of “My dog ate my homework.” Apparently for one student, their excuse is that their project got eaten by their family! At some point while you were in high school, you probably had to do this assignment for your health class. Students often have to care for a fake baby as if it's a real baby. The fake baby can be an egg, a bag of flour, or, if you live in a wealthy school district, an electronic baby that cries throughout the day at random intervals. The project often…
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'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of the hotel early, cue malicious compliance

'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of hotel early, cue malicious compliance

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to never try to save your company extra money. That will almost always backfire in some way, and in this case, a worker ended up getting denied payment proper payment. It's the kind of lesson that applies to friendships and relationships as well. If you're going out on a limb trying to impress or extend acts of kindness to someone, you better get that kind of treatment in return. Otherwise, you'll end up feeling used. This thread was posted to Reddit'…
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'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

You give someone your little finger, and they'll eventually take the whole hand. I learned the hard way that many people online are fishing for constant donations, and it usually isn't the ones who actually need it. I didn't really lose anything in the process, but I do wish I would have given certain things to people who would actually make use of them. One good-willed person's kindness went south after scouring ‘Free stuff’ groups online and offering 6 bags of clothing and food to a young fam…
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'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

Working in a corporate setting sometimes means having to silently give in to senior management. Whether or not we agree with their business tactics is irrelevant; what matters is that we ease their burden by complying with all of their requests without causing any trouble. The story below is an account of a bookkeeper who works for a huge home improvement store. For whatever reason, despite the rigorous hours, upper management insisted for years that bookkeepers close and open the store. To put…
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'My yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

'My Yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

These pets have been on their baddest behavior, and they have no regrets about it! Some pets are just blatantly naughty, and they don't care who knows it. Lots of cats are this way: they'll solemnly knock glasses to the floor, zoom around your home knocking furniture over, or leave unsavory “gifts” for their owners to find.
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