opinion boyfriend wife askreddit mistakes girlfriend husband misunderstanding dumb dating - 19552261

'He asked me if my dog blinks': 35+ People shared the exact moment they knew they were dating a doofus

Romance involves looking past some of your partner's flaws. The people who replied to this question know that all too well!
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Boss man sent this to the mailing list as our city was preparing for winter storm Xylia. We aren't a Waffle House

'Yes, there is a storm coming. No, we will not be closing': Hypocrite boss forces employees to come to work during severe winter storm

We guarantee that this toxic boss will not show up to work...
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how-to-employee work-advice toxic-manager how-to-job-hunt work employee-advice toxic-boss managers Horrible Bosses workforce bad bosses job-hunt-advice job hunting millennial-employee boomer-manager - 19550469

'I finally told my manager that I will NOT be working on anything outside my scope of responsibilities': People share how to stand up for yourself at work

The boomers who raised many of us in the workforce now were taught that if you try your hardest and show the higher ups that you can go above and beyond, then you will be rewarded for your hard work. The boomers worked up their nepotism work chain, so why can't you? The funny thing about advice from boomer as that it is dated and matter of factly, expired. As us millennials and Gen Z start to take over the workforce, we see more and more that no, your hard work does not get rewarded unless you…
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work-story workplace-stories fired manager malicious compliance long-haul-trucker coworkers toxic-boss trucker workplace blue collar - 19560197

'$1300 on a fill-up': Annoying boss fired when stupid 'no-stopping' rule fuels trucker's revenge

There's nothing worse than unnecessary interference from middle management when you're just trying to do your job. You know how to do your job; they know you know how to do your job… But that's not going to stop them from hitting you with every stupid meddling directive that they possibly can to make it look like they're doing something and justify their salary. After all, it only flows in one direction: downwards. And it's easier for them to nod their head and smile when their boss comes up wi…
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AITA for keeping my website up after being asked to remove it?

'My friends think I'm being spiteful': Guy's crafty revenge on the officials that ruined his life

The reason this dude refuses to take his personal website down is actually pretty reasonable — but not to the officials in his touristy town. This guy has been through an insane amount of stuff in his life, as he shared to r/AmItheA**hole. It all started when he got arrested in front of all his coworkers , which he calls the most embarressing moment of his life, for a crime he didn't commit. Still, the OP spent nearly two months in prison, and lost his entire life because of it. His son was tak…
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‘Get Me Who’s in Charge. You Won’t See a Cent of This Bill’ : Elitist Customer Demands Manager After Miscommunication, Server Loses Tip

‘Get Me Who’s in Charge. You Won’t See a Cent of This Bill’ : Elitist Customer Demands Manager After Miscommunication, Server Loses Tip

Private events at restaurants are often riddled with miscommunications, false impressions, and rude guests/customers. One server took to Reddit, complaining about an entitled, elitist customer she'd come across at a sports event the restaurant she worked at, hosted. Organizers of such events generally relay important information to guests, but it usually lands on deaf ears. This was such a case. She was working with colored lanyards, so she knew which guests were to receive free refills on spir…
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dramatic-story drama coworkers friends marriage-drama relationships story pregnant coworker dating relationship-stories - 19522821

Update: 'She wanted me out of the picture': Friend frames husband for cheating so that she can profess her undying love to his wife

This post is crazy. Like positively insane… Whether or not you believe the legitimacy of it, it makes for some brilliant reading that scratches a “true-crime” itch. There's just something astounding about reading stories with this level of gaslighting, manipulation, and scheming—especially since most of us probably can't even fathom actually behaving in this way. Perhaps some of the satisfaction comes from trying to suspend yourself from your normal train of thought and imagine just what that p…
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Top Worst Landlords of the Week (March 3, 2023)

Top Worst Landlords of the Week (March 3, 2023)

Ah, landlords: you can't live without 'em!
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20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

The door isn't wide enough.
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karens neighbors school drama neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19541509

'IT'S NOT A SIDEWALK': Neighborhood Karen makes wild group post about school kids walking on school property adjacent to her property

When “Get off my lawn!” evolves into “Get off the area adjacent to my lawn!” Maybe you shouldn't live next door to a school if you're this sensitive to the presence of children.
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AITA For Refusing To Venmo My Friend For Pizza & Possibly Ending The Entire Friendship Over It?

'I’m poor and you're rich': Moocher refuses to let BFF have slice of pizza she 'didn't pay for'

The cost of a friendship should ideally be more than the cost of a pizza pie. For this woman, it represented the final straw in her relationship with a formerly close friend. Friendships can end in all sorts of ways. Sometimes one person moves, or you go in different directions in life that make your friendship incompatible. For this OP, u/InteractionFirst5109, she and her BFF Dawn had a falling out for financial reasons . She writes that she and Dawn both work full time, though the OP has a hi…
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No tags? No problem.

'You're not supposed to have these': Retail employee asked to do manager's work, gets shamed by his boss's boss, malicious compliance ensues!

You know that moment when you're tasked with doing your manager's job for free and then subsequently shamed for it?
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Canada neighbors kids snow cars truck entitled winter frozen windshield wipers - 19538181

'AITA for refusing to help my neighbor?': Snowy snafu turns entitled woman against wise neighbor

This guy wondered if he was in the wrong for trying to be a good neighbor to some folks who made a snap judgement about him. As the OP, u/goodneighbor123 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole, he and his family moved to Ontario, Canada, where the conditions are frosty cold. Since he's familiar with the weather conditions , he writes that he often puts his wife's windshield wipers up before a storm. Then, he strolls the neighborhood to where his five other neighbors live and puts their wipers up for them, ju…
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Manager asked me to give up a promotion to save their job

'Your manager's job [...] is not your problem': Manager's job is at risk, asks employee to give up their promotion

Imagine getting a call from your boss asking for your promotion...
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workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace workplace-story coworkers toxic-management taco-bell-employee toxic-boss Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19534085

'You need to stay until 1 a.m.': Exhausted fast food employee working 11 hours shames toxic manager and stands up for himself in front of all his coworkers, manager gives him the “silent treatment”

A company that rhymes with “Yaco Dell” has a strong cult following for its Tex-Mex menu items. People are obsessed with their speciality items—so obsessed that they forget the company is owned by one of the largest money-hungry corporations who fight to keep minimum wage as low as possible. So is it really that surprising that the management at “Yaco Dell,” which is usually employeed by teenagers, is toxic? An employee working as a new shift lead recently shamed their manager in front of all of…
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recruiter antiwork toxic-workplace i quit new job quit interviews recruiting toxic-boss workplace job interview interview quitting - 19540741

'50% salary decrease': New job cuts worker's pay by $30k shortly after recruiting them

Trick a worker into quitting their job and joining your organization, then they're well and truly trapped when you cut their pay by 50%… talk about a cunning trap. That's exactly what this worker shared experiencing in a post shared to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit community. In a post titled “50% salary decrease…” they discussed the situation. “My new job just cut my salary by $30k, only a couple months into the job." the post begins, " It's safe to say that you probably wouldn't stay at that…
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