pro revenge workplace-stories jobs - 21641477

'I wasn't getting paid enough for my effort': Company brings in analyst to justify firing worker, they get a $10,000 raise instead when they pretend to quit and disable their automated tasks

Throughout your working life, you will continually be under-appreciated for your efforts. If you're an especially hard worker, even if your boss appreciates you, they still probably don't understand how much you do or the scope of your contribution. Unfortunately, without proper documentation and ticketing of the odd jobs you're doing, you're relying entirely on management's perception of you and your work. And if you're not advocating for yourself constantly and managing upward, there's a good…
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terrible coworkers promotion workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers toxic-boss Office reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21670149

'You bet I'm looking for a new job': Employee denied raise until next year, then discovers 10+ coworkers got promotions this month

If they come up with an excuse to not give you a raise right then and there, they aren't likely to change their minds any time soon. There are a lot of nonsensical reasons your bosses might give when they're denying your raise and/or promotion. They could pretend there's a freeze on raises given the current fragile economy. Or they could make up an excuse about some bogus rule regarding when they grant raises and promotions. That second reason was exactly the line that was fed to this employee,…
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coworkers gen-x-employee gen x roast gen z gen-z-employee employee-roast Reddit - 21667077

'Say what you want, hear what you don't': Older employee calls his Gen Z coworker “ugly” for getting bangs, she roasts him with epically witty one-liner comeback

Does anybody out there have an experience where HR actually stepped in and helped serve real justice? Because the internet is really convincing us that HR either does nothing or, more obviously, is only there to cover the butts of the company. Because of this department's incompetence, many of us have had to learn how to appropriately and professionally handle award situations in the workplace . And unfortunately, this tends to land on women. For example, one female employee did something that…
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reddit aita karen karens-in-the-wild flight airplane seats flights airline airplane teenagers change-seats reddit

'I refused to change seats': Teen girl stands up against an airline bully, asserting her claim over a seat that she paid extra for

Good afternoon passengers, this is the pre-boarding announcement for all travelers heading to GetWrecked City. Please fasten your seatbelts for this in-flight entertainment.
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employee-tasks failblog employee-story employee-log manager-lag workplace Reddit - 21698565

‘Thanks, now I know that I am not the problem here:' Developer agrees to log every little employee task he does at work, proves his manager is the one lagging

Sometimes a manager is so bad at doing their job, then when they try to throw one of their employees under the bus, they end up throwing themselves. And when that happens, ooooh baby—that's karma at its best. Redditor u/coversbyrichard, is a developer for a company that he has been working with for several years. He was doing fine, but after a few messages get lost in the hundreds of “reply all” emails, he started to become the scapegoat. Then, during his yearly performance review, his manager…
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fortune-500 business-trip trip travel vacation company-card expense-report employee boss work malicious-compiance

'She cost the company $300+ for all work trips': Frugal employee turns business trips into lavish vacations after his boss nitpicks his expense reports

Executives will argue that business trips are important because they're maintaining relationships with their clients, but if you ask me, it's because they just want to get an all-expenses-paid vacation.
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cueing satisfying-karma-story satisfying-justice-served karen-customer drive thru petty revenge satisfying-story funny-drive-thru waiting in line fast-food-drive-thru-line - 21694469

'Can you make that dude wait?': Satisfying justice finally comes for those who wait patiently in line in the form of 'IDGAF' employees

We have all been there, standing, sitting, or whatever, waiting in line for what feels like forever. It's not fun and none of us like it, but we wait, because we live in a society ( said in a George Constanza voice )! Nobody is entitled to be first in line for something like McDonalds. Come on, people. We've evolved beyond that kind of behavior. But actually, apparently, we haven't, because there are still many cutters in the world. You can't just cut in line and not know that everybody hates y…
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Frontier Airlines jetblue-airlines american airlines spirit airlines airline-passengers going-abroad Delta Airlines airline-drama traveling flying-stories airplane flying - 21684229

Airplane passengers agree that, ‘people who ask you to switch seats are the ultimate thorn in your flying experience’: Personal stories are shared to back this decision

Flying used to be a luxury experience. Never for anyone under 50 years old, but it apparently used to be very relaxing and fun. Now, the first thing you experience when you get to the airport is the unnerving feeling someone might have slipped a kilo of illegal substances into your bag while you nervously walk around in your socks… Doesn't sound as luxurious anymore. Plus, if you want any sort of comfort on the flight, you need to dish out the cash. So if you want extra legroom or just the assu…
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'[I] shattered his "Ricky Bobby" dreams': Mechanic humiliates boss during mandatory team building event

'[I] shattered his "Ricky Bobby" dreams': Mechanic humiliates boss during mandatory team building event

This boss doesn't care what his employees think, he wants to drive go karts with them. Go karts are so much fun that it's hard to blame u/tee_ran_mee_sue's boss for wanting to visit a racing track. Though you can find them at amusement parks, go karts aren't just for kids. Adults can live out their speed racing fantasies through these zippy little cars. You and a bunch of your pals can hop into the go karts and race through a tire-lined track to your heart's content. You know who doesn't care f…
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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

Top 20+ Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

It's remarkable how people can be demanding and desperate at the same time. One has to wonder what possesses these choosing beggars to be so audacious. Not that I am envious of this complete lack of self-awareness, but I do have to consider what life would be like if I had that level of confidence to just demand things with literally no leverage whatsoever. Perhaps there's a “nothing left to lose” mentality that comes with being a choosing beggar. Perhaps
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'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

This customer has a life hack to get into any store . All you have to do is take a little initiative. What could go wrong? U/Sparrowmoss shared this wild story of customer entitlement . Some customers take deep offense to stores being closed, or having hours of operation in general. If the customer can't get that random item at 10:59pm, they'll insist that the store is in the wrong. It's not the employee's fault that customers procrastinate so badly that they intend to shop at a store that's cl…
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'I got paid twice for the trip': Customer demands Uber driver to cancel trip despite the policy, driver complies, gets paid double

'I got paid twice for the trip': Customer demands Uber driver to cancel trip despite the policy, driver complies, gets paid double

Being an Uber driver requires more patience with crazy customers than most jobs.
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Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

When you hit the hornet's nest with a bat...
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neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor stories - 21675013

'I cut down the tree': Neighbor challenges guy to cut down his tree, gets left with debris

Now I'm not saying that cutting down your neighbor's tree based on a verbal agreement is a bad idea (it is), but if you've ever gone down the internet rabbit hole of “tree law” you'll know that it's serious business with potentially astronomical consequences.
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'Our boss had banned... birthday celebrations': 30+ "Cool" companies that didn't live up to the hype

'Our boss had banned... birthday celebrations': 30+ "Cool" companies that turned out to be cringy and toxic

Businesses love to brag about their company culture , but their curated image doesn't always match the reality of working there. These employees, who replied to u/terpkawa's question, had a lot to say about that. The OP asked Redditors about the times they worked for companies that touted amazing cultures or benefits, but then really did not deliver. It's nearly impossible to tell from the outset what it'll be like to work somewhere, no matter how closely you look for red flags during the inter…
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cops doordash ride share ubereats askreddit food delivery cop reddit thread Reddit delivery pretty - 21651973

'Shamed [while] doing Ubereats by a police officer': Cop embarrasses Ubereats driver as she attempts to collect food

This cop ruined an Ubereats driver's day with a crude comment about her looks.
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