workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22329861

'You told me to leave, remember': Worker sent to help at another store, told they're trespassing and turned away, receives an angry call later on

Being accused of doing something nefarious when you've turned up to help out really isn't an ideal situation, especially when that person won't let you get a word in edgewise to clarify the situation. That's why it's hard to fault this worker for up and turning around at the first chance. This supermarket worker used to work for a large supermarket chain and would occasionally head off to other locations to help them with staffing issues when they were asked. But, one day, they were asked to wo…
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'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

One teacher was asked to take a closer look at a student's paper ---the student wasn't happy with their B minus grade. College professors do a lot of work for a little bit of money. This person, u/sushkunes, writes that when they were a “poorly paid and overworked adjunct professor,” they had an experience with an entitled student that stuck with them. After you read this story, check out this guy who decided to call their HOA every single time they put their trash out to the curb.
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'I get a big bed to myself': 20+ perks of being single

'I get a big bed to myself': 20+ perks of being single

Sure, societal pressures tell us to strive for partnership, but not having to share a bathroom is pretty great. Perhaps you're finding yourself lonely these days as the Fall wedding season is upon us. Perhaps you just went through a tough breakup and you miss your former significant other. Perhaps you've spent more hours than you'd like to admit swiping through every single dating app known to mankind. Or perhaps you're becoming content with yourself and you're starting to love living the singl…
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'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

'My registration info was "no longer in the system"': Office cancels worker's appointment, worker reschedules a new appointment '72 hours early'

This flustered employee found an interesting solution to their problem, writing, “I just wish I'd thought of it 30 minutes earlier."
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'Sorry, we need the coverage so you'll need to come in': Sick employee forced to come into work by disorganized manager

'Sorry, we need the coverage so you'll need to come in': Sick employee forced to come into work by disorganized manager

Let's be clear: the reason why this employee had to come in was not because of their negligence but because of the manager's. It doesn't matter where you work, whether it's retail or for the government. If you get sick, as all human beings do once in a while, you should be entitled to a day off without repercussions of any kind. However, there are still some managers out there with backward moral standards who believe that rallying despite feeling sick is a greater display of strength. We shoul…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs manager job malicious compliance work coworkers new job workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22369797

'Where are you? It's your first day': Boss calls confused random guy too chew him out for missing his first shift

In a cold sweat, you wake from your sleep, flailing wildly for your phone. Light is peaking through the edges of the curtains, and birds chirp pleasantly just on the other side of the window behind them. You feel rested—suspiciously, well-rested for the amount of sleep that you should have gotten. You must have slept through your alarms… but surely not. After all, you set five of them. Yet, all the indicators are there… and you should have been up long before the birds if you were going to make…
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'The very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow': Company director lays off workers, truck driver employee creates massive delays in return

'The very best thing he stopped was clearing away snow': Company director lays off workers, truck driver employee creates massive delays in return

This company laid off a bunch of people , and the remaining employees are not thrilled about the downsizing decision. No employee wants to be part of a company that's a sinking ship. If the business you're in starts downsizing and letting people go, it can create a ripple effect. The remaining employees will be walking on eggshells around their bosses, not knowing if they'll be the next to go. And with their coworkers leaving a gap in production, some people are sure to be burdened with additio…
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workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22349061

'The entire sector didn't get raises that year': Employee gets revenge by raising KPI averages to a point where their boss loses their bonus and raise

They say the best revenge is achieving personal success, but sometimes it's more than that… It's the pathway to it. After all, performing well above requirements isn't always going to win you friends and is more likely to put a target on your back for everyone who is just there to earn a paycheck and who you're making look bad in comparison. See, when you prove what's possible to an employer, they start wondering why everyone else isn't being as productive as you are and are bound to start aski…
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'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

There is a certain etiquette when you're on a long train ride and in close quarters with other passengers. Talking loudly on the phone for hours on end is not up to code. If you go down that path, you can expect retaliation and feedback. It could be small such as your fellow passenger rolling their eyes or politely asking you to stop. However, the response could also be petty. In this instance, the response was severely petty. This Redditor shared all the ways in which he ensured that his fello…
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'I'm fuming right now': Couple come back from vacation and find that their neighbors took apart their fence to build their own shed

'I'm fuming right now': Couple come back from vacation and find that their neighbors took apart their fence to build their own shed

Having bad neighbors is a nightmare, especially if they share a wall with you. What do you do in these types of situations? Most people just try to ignore the troublesome neighbors and continue living their life. However, that only works for so long—like, until they start terrorizing your own property. Then what do you do?? The cops can't really do anything until things have progressed way too far. And you can't really do anything beyond what the law allows, which really isn't much unless it's…
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The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

'I told my girlfriend, right there at the table, that it wasn't going to work out': The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

In a shocking twist, a Reddit user recently found himself facing a challenging and unexpected situation in his relationship. After enjoying six months of happiness with his girlfriend, the couple decided to take their commitment to the next level by moving in together. He thought he had discovered the perfect match, but little did he know that she was about to drop a bombshell that would shatter the illusion of their seemingly picturesque relationship. Faced with this revelation, the boyfriend…
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'Boss wouldn't pay me the money I earned, so I had his company shut down': Plumber gets boss fined $50,000 after boss won't pay multiple paychecks

'Boss wouldn't pay me the money I earned, so I had his company shut down': Plumber gets toxic boss fined $50,000 after boss refuses to pay multiple paychecks

This boss was surprisingly candid about how he felt about his employee. All and it cost him was $50,000! Plumbers can make great money in their professions. It's one of those fields that will always be a necessity, since many people can't fix clogged pipes or water leakages on their own. This guy shared that they began working for a plumbing company near them, expecting to make a decent wage. But within a few months, they realized that their boss was paying them on commission, as well as just b…
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'A week goes past and then the messages starts flooding in': System admin trains their own replacement, refuses to help company after being let go

'A week goes past and then the messages starts flooding in': System admin forced to train replacement, then refuses to help the company bullies after being let go

Apparently, this company didn't know how much power their system administrator had before they started playing mind games. No matter how professionally you act, you just won't get along with every single person in your workplace. It's not an issue if you just have an ongoing random feud with your coworker in another branch of the company because he keeps stealing your parking spot, for example. But it becomes a little trickier to navigate when you and your boss don't get along. Especially in th…
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'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

Every so often, there comes a time when you find yourself pulling a Karen for necessary reasons. This is not to condone Karen behavior, but rather to say that justified rage can sometimes be misinterpreted as Karen behavior, which is by definition unjustified. When you find yourself “pulling a Karen,” you often have the inclination to stop yourself from getting upset even though you have objectively been wronged in this situation. Sometimes, getting upset is not being a Karen. Sometimes, it's s…
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reddit reddit-thread petty-revenge revenge petty barista state-trooper police police-man coffee coffee-shop caffeine enemy decaf humiliation retribution payback

'I demanded an apology': Local barista gets back at an insolent customer by serving him and his coworkers decaf until he makes a public apology; it took 3 days

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. For folks who work late night shifts, it's more important to remember the mantra, 'don't bite the hand that caffeinates you!' When you have a good rapport with your local barista, good things can happen. When you make an enemy out of your coffee server… You're gonna have a bad time.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22328069

'Feels good': Worker quits and leaves their terrible boss scrambling, others share their stories

Toxic managers have one thing in common: Their belief that their authority is absolute . It's almost as if they think it's impossible for anyone ever to leave them, acting like workers will continue to put up with the most dreadful working conditions and their abhorrent behavior for the rest of their careers. So, of course, they're completely blindsided when their most pivotal workers hand in their notice, with the news sending them scrambling to figure out how they're going to maintain the con…
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