'THIS IS A HANDWASHING SINK [...] NO WASHING YOUR FEET': 30+ funny and cringe signs

'This is a handwashing sink [...] no washing your feet': 30+ amusing and cringe signs

You might do a double-take and think you're misreading these signs. Fortunately, you're not crazy. These are actual signs from billboards, retail stores, and public bathrooms galore. Some of the requests being made are so ridiculous that you begin to question everyone else's sanity. For instance, do people really wash their feet in the sink of a public bathroom? Do people really tweet about a fire in the building before evacuating? Do the marketing teams of these major chains really not catch g…
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'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

This person is not going to be making many friends at their office place. Every now and again, there's a post made to r/AmItheA******, and none of the commenters can agree on who's wrong in the scenario. This is one of those tales. U/NeopolitanGuy1 sparked the debate with their story about a parking space. Every workplace has at least one “good spot,” which is usually close to the entrance. It'll be hard to get that spot, though, because it'll be taken by whichever early bird gets to the office…
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'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

'Their faces were priceless': Boss makes sick employee come in, employee maliciously complies, gets company sick policy revised

All employers should know by now not to mess with the company sick day policy. Here, we have a horrible boss who decided that every employee who called in sick needed to physically show up to the office first to hand in a note from their physician. A phone call wouldn't even suffice. Clearly, this boss didn't have any trust in his employees and also didn't fully comprehend the risk of having infected folks show up and potentially getting more employees sick. Essentially, this dude was either as…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22714117

'She said it was "barely" on my property': Karen neighbor steals woman's money, claims woman is ill-mannered for asking for it back

There's no greater nightmare than purchasing what seems to be the perfect home only to move in and realize the reason the previous owners wanted out… The neighbors. The realization might dawn immediately on the first fateful meeting, or it might be a slow burn, with the realization dawning over time.
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'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector slows traffic with parking solution

'My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law': HOA tells car collector not to park cars in their own driveway, car collector snarls traffic with parking solution

One HOA keeps changing the neighborhood rules , and one car collector keeps being affected by the changes. It's almost as if the HOA dislikes having a car collector living in their jurisdiction! Car collectors sure do get into their hobby. Lots of people enjoy buying cars that are fixer-uppers, then spending weekend after weekend putzing around and working on it. It's a fun group activity too---if your friends come over, they can pop the hood and stand around and look at the car with you. Then,…
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terrible coworkers aita coworkers reddit story etiquette entitled reddit thread coworker entitled people - 22702597

'I got called into HR': Coworker accidentally reports themself to HR after stealing bait lunch from fridge

Your things are your own, and while it can be nice to share, you need to respect other people's stuff and not take things without asking. This is essentially the first lesson that we're ever taught in school, and yet, a frightful amount of people can't seem to get that one right. We're not saying that you should go around teaching people lessons; It's just not a good idea, you might actually be the one in the wrong, and there's far too much chance of you getting the facts wrong, but it's mighty…
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Update: 'Most people aren't being paid market value here': Employee confronts boss about lame promotion with receipts, leaves boss grasping at straws for excuses

Update: 'Most people aren't being paid market value here': Employee confronts boss about lame promotion with receipts, leaves boss grasping at straws for excuses

There are definitely better ways of justifying your employee's lack of a fair raise. This boss decided that the best way to justify the decision was to say that essentially everyone is underpaid at the company. In other words, she was saying that the entire company cheats its employees. Not only is that a completely irresponsible thing to say both for the employee's sake and for the company's, but also it gives the impression that there is absolutely no hope for the employee in his pursuit of a…
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work workplace worker coworker employee employees boss manager working raise supervisor salary pay insulting pay-cut salary increase wages money paycheck job jobs

'I was stunned [it was only] a 1% raise': Outstanding employee gets a offered a pathetic raise after years of dedication, finds a new job with a 32% salary increase

When we're in preschool, kids are taught that hard work and dedication gets rewarded. If you take your nap, eat your snack, and listen to the teacher, you get to go to recess. As adults, our equivalent of 'recess' is a stiff paycheck at the end of the month, ideally with as many digits as possible. Unfortunately as we get older it becomes more painfully clear that real life isn't so simple.
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'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

Everyone has opened a present at some point in their lifetime that made them wonder what the heck this person was thinking. When I was in Middle School, my Mom got me a dictionary for my birthday. The following year, I received a pencil holder. Clearly, there was a not-so-subtle message here, and that was to study more. I know I'm not the only one who has had a close family member completely mess up when it comes to gift-giving. A friend of mine is known for being obsessed with tea. Her kitchen…
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'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

You can't expect everyone around you to do things your way! Look, there are many compromises people need to make as roommates. All parties need to agree to certain rules, like tidying up in shared spaces, doing your dishes, etc. These are all necessary conversations roommates need to have in order to coexist peacefully. Of course, roommates also need to acknowledge and recognize that people have different ways of doing things, and not everyone is going to align on everything all the time. You w…
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customer service failblog customer service employee r-retailhell retail retail employee working customer service karen customers customer service jobs Reddit working retail retail jobs retailer entitled people - 22724101

'No, sir... It's 11AM': Retailers swap stories of how customers ruined their days first thing in the morning

The duties that are require to work in retail might seem minuscule, but we assure you, they're not. Karens might say it's all just standing around and doing anything and everything the customer says, but that's just simply incorrect. There is so much in the backend and behind the scenes that needs done that customer's don't see. For example, opening the store. It isn't just unlocking the doors, it's setting up the system, doing inventory, restocking the store, online duties, etc. Unfortunately,…
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pro revenge school petty-revenge-reddit students revenge revenge-stories teachers petty revenge teacher back to school teacher-stories revenge-stories-reddit - 22665221

'Her biggest pet peeve was when people used "they"': Student complies to teacher's grammatical demands

Good teachers are sticklers about things, and the ones you learn the most from are the ones who are insistent upon correctness to an absurd level. That said, every teacher isn't always going to be correct about everything and may wind up insisting on something that is wildly incorrect —like that time when your 6th-grade teacher told you that you couldn't start a sentence with a conjunction. But, further down the line, you later probably came to find that that wasn't really true or a grammatical…
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'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

This person told a tale of their car repair debacle from 20 years ago, and you can tell it's an old story because they discovered the repair shop using a phone book. A real phone book! What a delightful throwback! For those of you who don't know, a phone book was a very big and heavy book with hundreds of pages. The white pages listed the numbers of people, and the yellow pages listed the numbers for businesses. It wasn't just numbers, either, it usually listed addresses too. Having your phone…
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work workplace worker employee manager restaurant reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance petty-revenge coins cash money payment cashier service industry restaurant

'I pulled 60 quarters out of my pocket and set them on the counter': Restaurant cashier complains about credit card transactions, prompting one of her regulars to teach her a lesson about the inconvenience of cash

Credit cards are insanely convenient. Nowadays, you don't even need to swipe your card to pay, you can just whip that little bad boy out, tap your plastic money on the terminal, and BAM, you've made a purchase. Old school folks have reluctantly accepted that everyone prefers to pay with plastic money, idealizing the old ways of counting cash and receiving change in exchange for goods or services. But with all that spare change jangling around in your pocket, wouldn't you rather...
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit lawyer revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Lawyers revenge-stories-reddit - 22698245

'Cue mass resignations and missed deadlines': Owner antagonizes own lawyer over sale of company, lives to regret it

It's amazing how some people get away with being completely incompetent, inexplicably failing upwards, and succeeding due to sheer circumstance until they find themselves in positions of authority that they never should have been allowed near. They'll succeed for as long as their luck holds, but eventually, the entire house of cards will come crashing down… This original poster claims that their revenge really isn't that substantial, but considering the fact that they pushed the first few domin…
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'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

Is there anything worse for non-confrontational folks than having to confront your noisy neighbors? As a non-confrontational person myself, I get anxious just thinking about being put in this position. I still have stress dreams about that time I had a crazy neighbor complain about my ceiling fan. Or that time when someone thought I was having a party when it was the people next door. Somehow, I still felt like it was my fault. So if you dread these kinds of encounters and that's just when you'…
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