'This was 1000x the value of what Derek stole from me': Guy gets epic payback on former middle school friend who owed him $40 by selling his Pokemon games

'This was 1000x the value of what Derek stole from me': Guy gets epic payback on middle school ex-friend who owed him $40 by selling his Pokemon games

All good things come to those who wait, even if what you're waiting for is epic payback on your middle school ex-friend. This kid ("Derek") spammed this Redditor's flip phone back when he had a limited data plan and was unable to block numbers. It was Derek's vengeance after an argument, knowing it would cost OP money. OP initially wanted Derek to pay him back for those $40, which at the time felt like a ton of money to him. His parents told OP to let it go. Unfortunately, the art of letting go…
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'I made a duct tape and chainmail frisbee': 30 DIY projects that should've never been constructed

'I made a duct tape and chainmail frisbee': 30 DIY projects that should've never been constructed

DIY is a fun hobby … some crafters just take it way too far. Upcycling and downcycling have been trendy past times in recent years. Upcycling refers to recycling something into an item that's more valuable than before, like turning a bunch of plastic bottles into a fancy chair. Then there's downcycling, which is what these crafty people below are doing. That's when you take an item and recycle into something less valuable, like the dad who tried to make a lamp classier, using only spray paint a…
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'How do I get you to stop sending me emails?': IT director receives nonstop sales emails from digital software company, maliciously complies to get them to stop contacting him

'How do I get you to stop sending me emails?': IT director receives nonstop sales emails from digital software company, maliciously complies to get them to stop contacting him

We all know what it's like to be bombarded with nonstop emails with seemingly no end in sight. This IT director was looking for a digital signage company to partner with and tested out one company's software using their free trial. He ultimately went with another company, but unfortunately, this meant that he would be spammed with email after email for the foreseeable future. Now, before he resorted to malicious compliance, he tried just about everything else. He tried unsubscribing. No change.…
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tech job failblog junior admin satisfying quits side hustle IT job sysadmin computer tech raise workplace senior admin Reddit working it internal raise workplace story - 22676229

‘I [said] $200 per hour… minimum 4 hours’: Senior admin quits after denied a raise, company can't function without him and has to agree to 5x his initial salary

It's not always easy to take the high road, but when it comes to your career, it's important to choose that path. Like I said, it's not easy, but if you don't you could ruin your whole career. Sure, it would be way more satisfying to burn some bridges and tell all those incompetent coworkers and upper management off, but you just have to walk away and hope for better thing. Sometimes, however, your high road still leads to a satisfying ending. For example, the reddit post this senior admin comm…
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neighbors petty-revenge-reddit neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22682885

'$5.00 reward if returned to Tony': Dad exacts hilarious revenge on town grouch by adding his name to books and leaving them about the place

It's not worth getting worked up about minor slights. It's, quite frankly, a waste of time and energy. Usually, the advice here would be to take the high road and get on with your life, but you might also choose, instead, to go away and plot a petty act of meticulous, calculated revenge that will exact itself repeatedly over the course of years following. As the revenge takes its course , the target will be repeatedly wondering why on earth this is happening to them, having long since forgotten…
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'This is how they got me, and a lot of my neighbors': Driver inconveniences local police officers setting speed traps near their home

'This is how they got me, and a lot of my neighbors': Driver inconveniences local police officers setting speed traps near their home

These police officers had Next up, check out these strange and impractical DIY projects that never should've been created---like one dude who invented a “ duct tape and chain mail frisbee ."
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work workplace coworker coworkers manager ceo boss c-level employee fired firing getting-fired termination terminated hired ceos nepotism nepobaby

'I can't wait for Monday': Exemplary employee gets fired by a nepo-baby manager; gets revenge by leaving behind a boobytrapped break room full of rotting trash

Top-tier employees usually go unnoticed by upper management. As a workforce, we go above and beyond to keep the company on its feet and it seems like the folks that reap the most benefits have the fewest qualifications. Nepotism ransacks corporations, leaving open the managerial positions for those with shared genetics with the C-level bosses, god-complexes, and an Associates Degree in Business.
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Cheezburger Image 22682373

'[I] deleted all record of the tool': Fired developer deletes entire project, leaving company stranded

There's a reason why employers generally provide you with the tools and necessary resources to do your job: should there ever be a split in the relationship, it leaves no doubt that the work that you've done belongs to them—and them alone… and this is before considering the countless security issues that personal devices present to an organization. Forcing you to save your work on your own personal account and submit it for approval is just asking for trouble, especially when you don't have a t…
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'Not worth it': New employee misled during onboarding process after prior commitments were not honored, confronts recruiter

'Not worth it': New employee misled during onboarding process after prior commitments were not honored, confronts recruiter

Sometimes you know within your first day of starting a new job if you've made an egregious mistake. You might go through a period of denial, where you try to give your employers a second, third, and fourth chance. You might even go through a period of trying to convince yourself that you enjoy the people, the work, and the office environment. But nine times out of ten, you will most likely return to that initial gut feeling you had on Day One. This Redditor was hired to be a tutor as a second f…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work askreddit workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22664709

'95% of success is showing up on time': 30+ Workers share their sage advice to workers joining the workforce

Joining the workforce for the first time is a surreal experience. You start off bright-eyed and filled with wonder about what the world might have in store for you… ready to give it your all, dreaming of the drastic contributions you're going to make to society. But, the more time you spend working, the more the wonderous color drains from the dream, leaving behind a sad, beige, and grey world that looks like every house-flipping millennial's home renovation.
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customer service karens entitled parents funny stories funny story karen-customer customers grocery stores karens in the wild entitled grocery shopping karen entitled people grocery store - 22663429

'You can't count to five': Grocery store Karen gets shut down whilst going through express checkout with too many items

Express checkouts exist purely to improve the flow of checkout by allowing a greater number of persons with a minimal amount of items to move quickly through the checkout process, freeing them from having to wait behind those with full carts… It's a pretty simple concept, really.
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'I'm going for the high score': Person gets note from entitled neighbor on their car nonstop for 4 weeks, collects them like Pokémon cards since they're parked legally

'I'm going for the high score': Person gets note from entitled neighbor on their car nonstop for 4 weeks, collects them like Pokémon cards since they're parked legally

Before getting petty with someone, especially a neighbor, maybe double check the laws in your area. You might be stirring up some bad blood for no reason. We're all about the common person getting justice, especially when it's against an entitled person like a Karen. But you gotta make sure you're right, dude… For example, this person who was parking their car completely legally and still starting getting aggressive notes from some Karen neighbor about how they can't park there. If you're unfam…
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'[He] had to be repeatedly sent home to shower and change': 15 bosses tell all about their worst employees

'[He] had to be repeatedly sent home to shower and change': 15 bosses tell all about their worst employees

We often talk about the horrible bosses of the world who have no regard for their employees, but as much as it pains us to admit, the reverse can be true as well. In fact, forget the disregard for your boss because more often than not, being disrespectful at work affects your coworkers and everyone in your office environment as well. Some of these stories range from a lack of hygiene to a literal hoarder. We have employees who refuse to do the bare minimum and employees who go out of their way…
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'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer funny questions from customers

'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer the world's silliest questions from customers

Kudos to these workers who didn't burst out laughing after hearing these customers' questions. I'm sure it wasn't easy to hold in laughter when customers get things so unbelievably wrong. When you work at a retail store , you quickly learn that customers don't ask a wide range of questions. Even though you spend 40 hours per week at the job, it's potentially a customer's first time there. You end up answering questions like, “Is everything included in this store-wide sale?” or “What aisle is to…
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'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

'We quickly picked up the car end by end': High school kids prank selfish guy for stealing old lady's parking space

People seem to be split about the ethics of this prank. On the one hand, these high school kids were defending the little old ladies who apparently everyone knows unofficially have these parking spots so that they can be close to the accessible ramps. However, on the other hand, you can't exactly move someone else's car without their permission. Even if he's not a stand-up guy for taking this one lady's spot. Technically, they don't own the parking spot, as great as it is that the community res…
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work workers working work-stories reddit employee employees boss manager managers supervisor quit i-quit quitting manager-stories reddit-thread hilarious

'I had someone quit because they couldn't find parking': 20+ Managers share the silliest reasons their employees have quit on the spot

Work can be stressful. There are a million reasons that we don't want to go to work, but most people put on their adulting shoes and go clock in anyways. Why? Because we like being able to pay our bills. However, when your work life starts to become a little too much to bear, some employees consider pulling the parachute and bailing on the workplace.
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