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'He pulled the rug out from under me': Boss leaves a job candidate hanging when they go back on their promises, guy finds solace online with others in the same boat

Struggles of the common man
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reddit, failblog, fired-on-the-spot, factory-line-fired, fired-worker

'[I] asked for a raise... Got fired:' Overworked employee asks for reasonable raise but gets terminated instead

Have you ever been fired? It never feels fair. But maybe after a few weeks, when you've cool off, it starts to feel like the right path for you anyways. However, sometimes you're getting fired and you know it's a gross injustice and it will never not be there. What can you do about that? Well, this Redditor decided to burn some bridges on his way out. But honestly, good for him. All OP did was ask for a raise, and instead he got canned. He's the only employee who has been there since he stated…
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damp-hair-at-work, nurse-hair, hospital-work, hospital-job, working-with-dyspraxic, reddit-work-story, nurse-stories

'Fine by me': Manager demands nurse goes home to dry damp hair, maliciously complies and gets paid to stay home for 2-3 hours as her hair naturally air dries

Have you ever interviewed for a job that requires a certain hair type? You'd think that would be jobs like hair modeling or… or?… Actually, I can't think of another, but it's not a common thought when applying to a job. Maybe how you're supposed to do your hair, if it's business professional attire or whatever. However, if you're applying to be a nurse, your only hair concern would probably be if you can tie it out of your face or not. Maybe even have it short enough that you can tuck it under…
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'Petty airport security overdoes it': Airport security agent on a 'power trip' foiled by quick-thinking traveller

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Airport security agent on a 'power trip' foiled by quick-thinking traveller

Nothing will stop a determined traveller from bringing along all of their belongings. Every friend group has people who under-pack for trips. They're the ones always asking to borrow a phone charger or a pair of socks, because they packed at the very last minute. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, are the over-packers. They want to bring three suitcases for a weekend trip; they're the one who needs to pay extra on the flight so that they can get all their bags back home. Your over-packer f…
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'The literal self-absorbed nature of society': Top 25 minor inconveniences that annoy folks to no end

'The literal self-absorbed nature of society': Top 25 minor inconveniences that annoy folks to no end

Whether we like it or not, life is full of nuisances. We try our best to muddle through these struggles, but that does not stop us from being overdramatic and drawing attention to ourselves as we express our frustration over the smallest of problems. Yes, we're aware that there are bigger problems in this world than our in-grown toenails or the 10-minute wait time for the next subway, but that won't stop us from acting like we are the most aggrieved people in the world. Call it main character s…
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'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

Being a military spouse is a big deal to some people. Their husband or wife joins the military, and in order to go with them, they travel to whichever base their spouse happens to be stationed at. It can oftentimes be a lonely life. So the military spouses become a tight-knit group. After all, who else can you spend time with while you're at the base? Maybe that's why so many military spouses take their partner's ranking so seriously. They think that because their husband or wife is an official…
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'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

It's no secret that part of being a parent is messing up. Ideally, like in all things in life, we learn from our mistakes, but there are some parents out there who will never learn and who are practically walking red flags as a result of how they treat their kids. As these folks on Reddit pointed out via this r/AskReddit thread, there are countless signs that you or someone you know may be a trashy parent. Whether it's yelling at your kids in public or refusing to believe your kid could possibl…
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workplace, upper-management, train-job, train-industry, senior-rail-worker-advice, trains, malicious-compliance, r-maliciouscompliance

'Don't want my advice? Then suffer the consequences': Newbie rail worker snubs senior employee, now has to pay for a 4.5-hour-long taxi ride for each individual team member

Isn't it just the best when justice gets served up on a gold platter while you're at work? We've all experienced the newbie manager coming in, thinking they're the hotshot of the company and not listening to anybody. It's not only annoying, but disrespectful. Like, my dude, you've been working here for a few months, your “subordinates” have been working here for years, maybe they don't have upper management ideas, but they know how to build the foundation to keep the company running. A senior r…
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boss scammer workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace job work workplace scam tifu reddit thread Reddit - 23095557

'I realized that not only was I getting scammed, but I was also out $3,000': Newly hired employee discovers his job was a scam posing as a legitimate company

Have you ever been so deep in the job search that you started applying for anything and everything that slightly piqued your interest? Especially with those “easy apply” buttons on job boards. It makes it way too easy. Well, you might want to think twice before you hit the panic-applying stage. So, the OP was right there with us, exhausted by his job search. When he got his first offer, he couldn't be more ecstatic. In my opinion, everything he described about the company and the offer seemed p…
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'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to showings at the home of another couple with youngsters

'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to apartment showings at the home of another couple with youngsters, tenants complain she's being 'very unprofessional'

How would you feel if you knew your landlord was bringing a baby and a toddler to your place while she showed it to prospective tenants? I think most people would protest that, yet one landlord thinks she's actually perfectly fine bringing the kiddos along. As a parent, you love your kid more than anything else, and you think everything they do is cute and sweet and perfect. Even though you're head over heels in love with them, not everyone is as enamored with your little ones' antics. Parents…
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Boss resignation manager quit quitting bosses toxic workplace work working job employee company employees raise position pay raise

'He was trying to guilt trip me': Boss throws a hissy fit when their lab technician finds a better job elsewhere, affirming they made the right choice to leave

When you've been loyal to a company for a while, it may seem like a betrayal to put in your two week notice. Even though you're following standard resignation protocol, priceless employees are impossible to replace– thus, throwing your ex-boss into a lurch. You may feel a sting of regret for a moment when you break the news, but if your boss throws an all out tantrum against you for making choices that improve your personal life, it makes it a heckuvalot easier to walk away.
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landlord malicious compliance revenge tenant landlords petty revenge rent renting - 23090181

'You won't get inside': Tenant tricks landlord into getting stuck outside their own apartment after they demand viewings

One of the penultimate joys of renting a home is having random strangers traipsing through your house; it will happen on a near monthly basis during your tenancy—or on whatever duration for inspection is dictated in your agreement. Still, whenever this occurs, you'll feel like you've been transported into Shawshank Prison and are awaiting an inspection from a corrupt and hostile warden who may take issue unpredictably at any little thing. Sure, in most cases, the inspection isn't nearly so insi…
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'Stop crying and get back to work': Underpaid receptionist quits for a better job, learns 1.5 years later that her ex-boss still can't fill her position

'Stop crying and get back to work': Underpaid receptionist quits for a better job, learns 1.5 years later that her ex-boss still can't fill her position

It's not easy to remember your worth when you're desperate for work. The working world is engineered to make us feel grateful for signing any sort of contract in a highly competitive market with next to no jobs. That being said, even if you finally landed in a decent position after months and months of searching, always be sure to remember that if you end up taking on more responsibilities than the ones that were initially outlined upon getting hired, that means you have the right to advocate f…
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pro revenge boss toxic-workplace manager petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories it programmers petty revenge IT guy managers Horrible Bosses Tech developers revenge-stories-reddit - 23052293

'You make $200 and hour?': Arrogant boss brags about making more than IT Guy, he quits and charges that as contract rate

While this story may not be as spicy as some of the other stories we've seen come out of this particular subreddit, without a doubt, it's a good bit of revenge against an arrogant employer that doesn't reek of an “and everybody clapped” sort of ending.
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lawsuit fired boyfriend girlfriend pregnant baby corporate work work-story tiktok manager managers employee employees boss

'Unleash your inner lawsuit': Man gets promptly fired after telling management that his girlfriend is pregnant, capturing the entire lawsuit-worthy Zoom call on video

There are a lot of things in life that are unethical, but not technically illegal. For example, passing gas in an elevator just before getting off at your floor is disgusting, but not actually a crime. Similarly, when people sing so loud at a concert they overpower the sound of the actual band playing (I'm looking at you, Swifties), that's not technically illegal either. However, there are a few instances where illegality and wrongful behavior come together...
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work workplace coworker coworkers worker employee employees karen karma office office-karen karens

'Hire her and I'm gone': Office Karen turns into the 'boss's pet', getting a coworker fired who later blackballs her for a better position

Karma is a beast. What goes around, certainly comes back around one day. For those of us who have ever dealt with a coworker's bad behavior– whether they're bad mouthing other employees, stealing lunches from the communal fridge, or just generally being a narc –it's rewarding to see them fall from graces a bit.
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