'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

With every holiday season comes the struggle of spending too much time with your family. Even worse is having to spend too much time with your in-laws. I don't know what it is about in-laws that creates such a universal bad feeling so many people can relate to. And on top of all that, the stress of the holiday season tends to bring another level of conflict into the mix. This year I have convinced my partner to go on a holiday and spend Christmas in a hotel just the two of us because I couldn't…
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reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-people

'I almost lost my job over an entitled Karen': Theme park photographer encounters insensitive mother who yells at a Make-A-Wish kid's family, sees red

Nobody is safe from a Karen. If you are unaware of what a Karen is, lucky you. This is the kind of person who is so entitled that they would rather throw a 2-year-old-style tantrum to the police and any upper management that will listen than actually act like an adult and show some empathy. In fact, a Karen doesn't have an empathetic bone in their body. And a Karen can be any gender, age, whatever! It's about what they demand and how. This time a Karen reared her ugly head to a suffering family…
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‘I don’t care what you have to do, just print it again': Customer demands bank teller reprint her debit card so many times that it costs her

‘I don’t care what you have to do, just print it again': Customer demands bank teller reprint her debit card so many times that it costs her

Going to the bank is like going to the dentist. Nobody does it because they want to, but rather, because they don't have a choice. It always takes a tremendous amount of effort for me to make an appointment, and then it's an exertion for me to make it to the designated location. In this case, a customer obviously didn't appreciate going to the bank, nor did she appreciate the debit card she was given after initially having lost her own. She told the bank teller that the numbers looked funny and…
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work workplace worker coworker bean-counters audit accounting employee employees management micromanage nitpick nitpicking salesman boss manager supervisor working stipend traveling mileage

'My average mileage is 90% greater': Nitpicky new management tries to dispute a flat-rate, $1,000 stipend for a traveling employee; he retaliates by increasing his mileage and doubling his payout

Bean counters can be a bit frustrating. Although we commend the audit-avoiding efforts of the accounting department, their decision-making process feels rather baseless in the real world. As footmen in the trenches on a day-to-day basis, the workforce sometimes knows better when it comes to improving company efficiency.
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'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

'I can't fire him, because he's my boss': Customer lets her kid wreak havoc in pool store because she's 'the owner's daughter'

Some customers will look at a sign that says “Don't climb on this” and then let their kid crawl all over it anyway. It's not that they can't read the sign, it's not that they didn't see it. They just don't care. Lots of customers are entitled, and they think that any mess they make in a store is not theirs to clean up. They believe that since they're the prized customer, all employees need to bend to their will, and bring out a broom to clean up any mess they make.
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'We can’t go home early anymore? Sure! Not a problem:' Manager protects team by maliciously complying to new rules, changing scheduled hours during shifts so workers can leave early

'We can’t go home early anymore? Sure! Not a problem:' Manager protects team by maliciously complying to new rules, changing scheduled hours during shifts so workers can leave early

Staying until the end of the day when your work is complete should not be a sign of a good employee. If the work is done well, nothing else should be questioned. Staying late is a sign of poor boundaries between work and life, nothing more and nothing less. Let this also be a friendly reminder that any extra work or help with other tasks after one's regular work expectations are fulfilled is a gift and a favor, not an added responsibility. Thankfully, in this story, we have the rare instance of…
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‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

People think they deserve charity for simply existing as if that entitles them to free stuff and a pat on the back. This woman reportedly drove '3 hours just for her kids to be disappointed', but the real disappointment here is that she, as a mother, booked a hotel room she knew she couldn't afford. And not by a bit… by a LOT. But before I get ahead of myself, let's start at the beginning. OP was working as a front desk clerk at an expensive, high-end resort. A woman who had booked a $600 hotel…
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‘We made sure he didn't get anything’: Landlord declares tenants' company equipment as his own after evicting them

‘We made sure he didn't get anything’: Landlord declares tenants' company equipment as his own after evicting them

I wonder what goes on in landlords' heads when they evict somebody. Do they think about what the grueling process might be like for the evictees? Do they feel sorry for them? Or do they think that they deserved it? Whatever the case may be, I find it intriguing. This landlord attempted to take advantage of his tenants by evicting them with 7 days' notice. He reminded them that any and all equipment that they would be unable to bring with them in that time period would legally become his own. To…
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'[I] caused a 30,000+ order backup': 30+ Employees who had strange and unexpected days at work

'[I] caused a 30,000+ order backup': 30+ Employees who had strange and unexpected days at work

Some days at work will stick in your head more than others. If you're working hundreds of days each year, you probably won't recall what you were doing on some random Tuesday in April. What you'd definitely remember are the days that caught you off guard . Maybe you walked into the office and suddenly saw that the big boss chose that day for a surprise visit. Perhaps you'd recall the day that a customer made a giant deal with your company, leading to a huge celebration. When u/Voraxia had an un…
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work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss manager supervisor working overtime ot pay paycut payback understaffed staff shift cover covered reddit antiwork reddit-thread

'His [timesheet] was cut by 7 hours to make up for the overtime': Hardworking employee goes above and beyond to cover understaffed shifts; gets his hours cut by cheapskate boss as a ‘thank you’

Time and a half… These are the magic words that make any hustler consider working a little overtime. Nobody wants to work OT if there's no reward. Our 40-hour work week is plenty of time on the clock, so anyone who's contemplating picking up a few extra hours on top of that is looking for s significant payout for their time. We work extra hours so we can get extra pay.
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pro revenge rural farmer petty-revenge-reddit lawyer revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Lawyers farmers revenge-stories-reddit - 23608837

'[The lawyer] just stood there, staring': Dairy farmer gets revenge on big-shot lawyer for parking in his driveway

The story of the rural folks' stand against the ever-expanding metropolis and its unfriendly denizens, at this point, is almost mythology. And there's good reason behind that. The rural life paints pictures of warm, tilled-earth, dewy mornings bringing the smell of fresh, damp soil, friendly, tight-knit communities, and the down-to-earth, salt-of-the-earth people who inhabit them. Meanwhile, cities bring forth images of inorganic filth and a cacophony of unnatural sounds. Scores of people pass…
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'A quality salami log': 30 A+ last-minute Christmas gifts

'A quality salami log': 30 A+ last-minute Christmas gifts

Who doesn't love a quality salami log or extra socks or a super soft blanket? It doesn't matter if it's from Target or Walmart. No one has to know. Because here's the deal: shopping for gifts over the Holidays is like a full-time job on top of your full-time job. Furthermore, I'm sure we can all agree that there are some people (most likely, your parents) who are literally impossible to shop for. They claim they have what they need or they're so particular that they won't likely use or wear wha…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23563781

'I'd like to rescind my application': Candidate rescind's application over interviewer's impolite email

There are a lot of reasons not to hire a potential candidate, and on the other side of that coin, there are a lot of reasons why a candidate shouldn't pursue a role. Certainly, if the other party isn't willing to follow (or capable of following) basic etiquette and decorum, that's a pretty good sign that the ensuing relationship isn't going to be a bountiful one. In a world where much of our communication takes place in non-verbal written mediums, it's important to remember that it's incredibly…
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karen karens public-freakout flight flight-attendant airline travel traveling plane reddit wholesome entitled surprise surprise-ending happy-ending heartwarming

‘In a world of entitled travelers, this is wholesome’: Not-so-Karenish Karen turns out to be a really nice lady, forgiving a flight attendant for jumping to conclusions

It's human nature to judge a book by its cover. Of course, we don't want to always assume things about people, but when you see a middle aged woman starting to get into a snark tiff with a flight attendant, what's your first thought? I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but my gut jumps to conclusions that we've got a Karen on our hands. But sometimes the gut can be wrong…
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boss workplace-stories jobs employee job malicious compliance coworkers legal new job horrible-management legal advice rage quit workers paycheck bad bosses Reddit - 23570437

'I quickly realized that [the company] was horribly managed, and they made errors all the time': Employee quits new job after 7 days, receives a bill for $24,981.62

Looking for a new job can be such a grind in itself—from scrolling through endless job listings to tweaking your resume and surviving the interview process. Not to mention the whole onboarding hoopla. But imagine surviving all of that just to realize the company is nowhere close to what it was hyped up to be. Well, that's exactly what happened to this employee. She thought she hit the jackpot with her dream job, only to throw in the towel after a mere week. Turns out, the management was a chaot…
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reddit choosing beggars beggar car trouble broken down vehicle pay paying begging tow towing tow truck mechanic repair bill

‘This apparently flagged me as a cash cow’: Good Samaritan spends his last $110 to help pay for a woman's tow truck, she begs him to pay for the repair too

There are the ‘givers’ of the world and the ‘takers’. Givers are generous and caring, trying to do their best to return a piece of karma to the world. Takers are a different story– If you give an inch, they'll take an entire yard.
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