Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

This Karen needs to check herself because she's not that big of a deal. Imagine your local newspaper publishes an article that, in passing, lists the new board members of the local school. Now imagine that one of those board members, the Karen in question, throws a fit because she feels that she has been wronged. Why, you may ask? Well, apparently, she feels that she needed permission to have her name mentioned in passing like that! Of course, she didn't need permission. She's holding an electe…
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Happy Gen Xer rejoices after witnessing a group of bicycle kids who actually enjoy playing outside: 'This was the most mid-1980s thing ever'

Nostalgia can strike at any moment, but for a Gen X dude who hasn't seen kiddos playing outside in decades, the feels hit strongest when he sees a pile of bicycles on a neighborhood lawn.
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boomer baby boomers management employment issues employee job electric cars parking spot work coworkers gen x human resources entitled entitled people - 25992709

Boomer employee threatens to sue company for free gas because coworkers can charge electric cars at work: 'He filed a complaint with HR stating he's been discriminated against for being old'

Things took a turn for the worse for these coworkers who were supposedly friends. The older coworker thought he was being treated unfairly due to, in his words, refusing to adopt a "woke liberal mentality." Mind you, this is a dispute over electric cars. The Original Poster (OP) has an electric car himself. His coworker's designated parking spot used to be all the way in the back of the lot despite the man using a cane. So, the OP decided to switch his spots because he was right in front of t...
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'Any discomfort is the result of their own choices': Traveller insists on reclining their airline seat to get back at poorly-behaved toddler

'Any discomfort is the result of their own choices': Traveller insists on reclining their airline seat to get back at poorly-behaved toddler

Parents who travel with young kids deserve a medal of some sort. Going to the airport as an adult can be a stressful experience on its own, let alone bringing along your 15-month-old who loves screaming and throwing handfuls of Cheerios. Lots of people will see your kiddo and give you a smile, because kids are super cute. What's less cute is a toddler who is on your actual flight . The little ones just can't sit still! They want to run around and play. They can't understand why they're expected…
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family drama wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud wedding family weddings - 25990149

Sister demands $100k as a wedding gift, says $20k is not enough: 'She's demanding I cover the full $100k cost [of the wedding]'

A gift is given willingly—usually without having an expectation placed upon it. Sure, when you're a kid, you might have gotten away with giving Mom and Dad some direction as to what to get you so that you didn't end up with something that wasn't worth anyone's money or time. For instance, if you asked your parents for just a generic “Gameboy game,” you'd wind up with some blockbuster movie cash grab that was almost unplayable and made by some third-party developer instead of the Pokemon game yo…
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patient hilarious worker workplace-stories employee work stories hospital doctor workplace-discussion medical workplace healthcare funny employment wild - 25982213

'Please do not superglue your tooth back in your mouth again': 20+ Healthcare workers share their wildest patient stories

When working in healthcare, you see people from all walks of life. From insanely rich folk to the homeless, medical mysteries to hypochondriacs, you never know what another day at the office will hold for you. Luckily for us, these doctors shared their wildest stories about patients who had such little common sense, they were surprised they survived this long. Sure, most of us don't know a lot when it comes to the medical field, but there are some basics we should know, like no, you cannot su...
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New boss enforces unnecessary rules about submitting expenses, team maliciously complies: 'OK boss, you'll get your paperwork in spades'

New boss enforces unnecessary rules about submitting expenses, team maliciously complies: 'OK boss, you'll get your paperwork in spades'

Whatever happened to “if it ain't broke, don't fix it?” If you're ever in a position where you are joining a company and leading a team that already is.a well-run machine, consider not enforcing your personal way of doing things onto everyone else. Unless the team genuinely agrees with your ideas to change the process, the only person who is really benefitting from this change is you. That is not a good enough reason to uphold the way a team does things. You have to adjust to their rhythm just…
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Airbnb guest wrongly labeled homeless and denied entry to the building based only on appearance

Airbnb guest wrongly labeled homeless and denied entry to the building based only on appearance

Safety should always come first, and it should be approached with extreme caution. Having said that, how would you respond if you were excluded from your apartment complex just for having a ‘different look’? Would you take offense at your neighbors' actions, regardless of the driving force, or would you respect your neighbors for keeping themselves and the other building occupants safe? The story below is an account of a startled Airbnb guest. The original poster (OP) and his friend had rented…
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A Pink Slip of Memes and Tweets to Send Your Boss If You Want to Quit Your Job

A Pink Slip of Memes and Tweets to Send Your Boss If You're Trying to Quit Your Job

If you have been waiting for a sign to quit your job, this is it.
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'Justice is served': Dude singles out customer who tries cutting in line by paying for everyone's drink but theirs

'Justice is served': Dude singles out customer who tries cutting in line by paying for everyone's drink but theirs

Not everything in life goes as planned. There are moments when you just have to go with the flow and hope for the best. Having said that, how would you feel if you intended to do a kind deed but were distracted by the arrogance of one individual? In the story that follows, a man who is waiting in line to pay for his coffee expresses his frustration. As the original poster (OP) put it, he had earned a great cup of coffee after receiving the raise that he had been chasing for what seemed like a l…
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'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

While working in sandwich shops, these cashiers managed to lose their appetites. After creating some truly monstrous sandwiches, these ones were memorable enough to tell the world about. When you ask sandwich shop workers to share the “strangest order you've ever had from a customer,” you end up discovering what people's favorite ingredients are. For example, more than one person had to make sandwiches that were completely covered in olives! They're known for adding a bit of salty flavor to a s…
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'No golfing in the cemetery!': Top 20 Funny Signs of the Week (May 19, 2024)

'No golfing in the cemetery!': Top 20 Funny Signs of the Week (May 19, 2024)

They say every sign has a story behind it, and some of these signs certainly left us wanting more. For instance, who was golfing in that cemetery, what were they thinking, and how many times did this happen to necessitate the posting of a sign? Other highlights from this week's top funny signs include a “Wrong Way” road sign that was planted upside down. One has to wonder what unwise fellow made that mistake, or perhaps it was planted like that on purpose with the intent of further creeping out…
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'My dad asks my uncle why he gave a tablet to a baby': Hypocritical aunt and uncle chastise family member for buying their college kid an iPad

'My dad asks my uncle why he gave a tablet to a baby': Hypocritical aunt and uncle chastise family member for buying their college kid an iPad

Kids these days are getting iPads earlier and earlier. It's the easy way to entertain your little kiddo. You can plop them on the floor, set them up with a Cocomelon YouTube video, and fold the laundry while they watch. Other kids love their iPad games—kids love to show you their Roblox games or play Candy Crush for hours on end. It's unnerving to see a one or two-year-old playing on an iPad like a grown adult. They can't even walk yet, but they know how to swipe through TikToks or click on the…
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Grandpa and old lady next door hatch a plan to get back at entitled neighbor: 'The guy needed to pay thousands to repair all the water damage'

Grandpa and old lady next door hatch a plan to get back at entitled neighbor: 'The guy needed to pay thousands to repair all the water damage'

Who doesn't love a neighborhood saga where the clever ones win in the end? Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to you that if you ever find yourself engaged in a neighborly feud, be sure to find an ally. Strength in numbers is a real phenomenon. This story involves a grandfather who, after retiring, decided to in a relatively remote village on a literal mountain. Talk about going off the grid! He made friends with the older lady next door, but their crazy neighbor started giving the gra…
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‘I don't want to get involved’: Nurse overhears patient's plan of using someone else's health insurance, decides to risk her career and not report them

‘I don't want to get involved’: Nurse overhears patient's plan of using someone else's health insurance, decides to risk her career and not report them

Different countries have different benefits that can appeal to their citizens. In some countries, it is extremely affordable to buy a house, in some countries the average salary allows citizens to live comfortably for most of their lives, and some countries have great healthcare plans that put citizens' minds at ease. The US is not great when it comes to the latter, and many American citizens daily worry about their health because they simply cannot afford to go to a doctor, probably like the p…
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Gen X parents on blast after calling their teenaged son ‘entitled’ when he grumbles about earning $11.50/hour: 'That was my starting wage in 1984'

Do you remember your first job? You probably washed dishes at a restaurant, stocked shelves in the mall, or scooped ice cream from your local sweets shop. It wasn't glamorous, but every two weeks, your paycheck would come, which (as a teenager) meant that you were rolling in riches! Even if the bottom line on your paystub was only a couple hundred bucks, you felt like a king. Nowadays, a couple hundred bucks doesn't go very far does it?
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