Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

At what point will hiring managers just acknowledge that the reason why people are applying is always ultimately about a paycheck? Sure, sometimes there can be passion that motivates an applicant to apply for a particular position, but a paycheck is a paycheck and people need money to live. That's the point of work. With that in mind, no one should dress a job up to be anything else during the application process. It also should not be a bad thing if a candidate states that they want a certain…
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'Thak you': 25 Silly cakes made by pros and amateurs

'Thak you': 25 Seriously silly cakes made by pros and amateurs

In general, I think that almost any homemade cake that looks “bad” is actually really cute. Posters are often parents or partners who want the perfect dessert for their loved one. They try hard, but they're not experts, and the results are silly and charming. However. Bakers who sell a product that looks terrible? You get no forgiveness.
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‘[We went] to the museum of work’: 15+ Bizarre School Field Trip Fails

‘[We went] to the museum of work’: 15+ Bizarre School Field Trip Fails

Field trips almost never go as planned. There is always some unexpected mishap, be it big or small, that gets in the way of the event and often makes our teachers extremely annoyed. Sometimes, it's their fault too. I mean, who in their right minds would think a group of 12-year-olds would enjoy a trip to the museum of work to learn about the joys of the eight hour work day? And who in their right minds would think that a camping trip in November in frigid Canada would be a good idea? As someone…
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‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

Being an artist is not an easy profession, and even less so these days. Every day artists fight what seems like a never-ending fight for their rights and their art so that it will not be used in a way that hurts them or their livelihood. They always have to be extremely cautious with how, when, and where they expose their art to other people. Like this artist on Reddit, who shared their experience with volunteering their art at a college club. The artist told Reddit about the entitled club pres…
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The Most Entertaining Dating App Posts of the Week

The Most Entertaining Dating App Posts of the Week

Swipe left, swipe right, but whatever you do, don't stop swiping.
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'She didn't think I was serious': Customer dresses 'overly casual' to visit designer clothing brand store

'She didn't think I was serious': Customer dresses 'overly casual' to visit designer clothing brand store

“Don't judge a book by its cover,” a customer advised after having an interesting shopping experience. Have you heard the phrase, “Money talks but wealth whispers”? It often refers to how people dress, the cars they drive, or the content they post about their glamorous lifestyle.
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parking space parking lot tow truck malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama towing parking stories petty revenge parking - 24537861

'[My] car is gone': Tenant pays in small change for fraudulent towing charge when their car is incorrectly towed from their snowy apartment complex parking lot

There will be plenty of times in your life when things seem completely unfair. Plenty of these times will involve incorrectly awarded parking infringements… Should this tenant have just moved their vehicle like everyone else so that the snow plow could do a clean sweep of the lot? Sure. But, by the time they had gotten out there and removed the remaining snow from around their vehicle that should have been the end of it. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it needs to be enforced to the let…
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malicious compliance reddit petty revenge payback passenger bus driver customer public transportation reddit thread job business work working workplace employee worker

'Enjoy walking 4 kilometers home': Bus driver gets payback against a mutinous passenger by leaving him stranded

Even if you're a level-headed worker, sometimes the stressors of the workplace can get to you. Boiling over with rage and brimming with thoughts of sabotage, there are some service industry jobs where the work is doable until the customers rear their ugly heads. Enduring the pig-headedness of customers– or in this case, passengers –can take a toll on a worker's patience and perhaps, their mercy.
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‘He worked for one hour from home and that was it’: Undervalued employee finds loophole in company half-day policy, barely works until he quits

‘He worked for one hour from home and that was it’: Undervalued employee finds loophole in company half-day policy, barely works until he quits

There is a special place in heaven for employees who discover loopholes and share about them with their fellow coworkers. It’s perhaps the most rewarding phenomenon within the battlefield that is toxic workplace culture. The only thing better than discovering a loophole within company policy is, well, being treated well by your company. However, we’re realists over here, and we understand that proper treatment of all employees is merely the stuff of dreams. This story, however, surely provides…
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‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

Any front desk employee can tell you that more often than not, some fishy things are happening behind that counter. Even the most prestige establishment can get entangled in some ugly business. With that being said, it can be worrisome to think about the fact that many of these establishments have repeated access to extremely personal information of their clients. Like the hotel in this Reddit story. A front desk clerk wrote to Reddit with the concern that her hotel was doing wrong by its guest…
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'He was nothing but polite to you': Gym goer gets told off by woman using a machine he's patiently waiting for, she turns to staff members who support him

'He was nothing but polite to you': Gym goer gets told off by woman using a machine he's patiently waiting for, she turns to staff members who support him

Gym etiquette. Ever heard of it? This woman clearly hasn't. One person shared a 'Gym Karen' story to Reddit after it unfolded positively, in his favor. He explained how he was down to his last exercise, and was waiting patiently next to a machine that was occupied by a woman who was notorious for being entitled. He had his earphones in, and wasn't directly facing her. She still got annoyed, and confronted him, asking him what he was doing. He replied that he was waiting for the machine, to whic…
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

I need a vacation asap. Work has me yawning in my seat, dreaming of powdery white sand, blue skies, green palm trees, and turquoise water. But one can only go on vacation if they can afford it, and unfortunately, I can't right now. So I'll sift through emails, organize folders, and do my boss's bidding in the meantime. What other choice do I have? Inflation is ruining us all. Heading out to the local store and buying groceries evokes anxiety in me like nothing else, except maybe car trouble. Si…
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'I would rather not make the trip only to find out that it has been sold': Internet divided over second-hand sale etiquette

'I would rather not make the trip only to find out that it has been sold': Internet divided over second-hand sale etiquette

This person is completely confused after a second-hand sale gone wrong. I'm on this person's side… but commenters agree with the seller. Buying second-hand items is a great way to save money and recycle. These days, it's a great way to get reliable clothing, since clothes from past decades last longer than the current brands of fast fashion. For people who are just getting started in their first apartments, it's a great way to get some nice furniture at a cheap price. And others use it to spruc…
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Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

Web developer gets former client fired after she spread lies: ‘This director [had] been slandering me to MY OWN FAMILY’

There is a reason why kids are taught not to talk about people behind their backs. Of course, we do it anyway, but in professional settings, it almost always comes back to bite you in the behind. So when this director of a nonprofit decided to spread rumors about the web developer she worked with and to blame him for various problems she had, of course karma came back to rear its head. Not only was this woman slandering the web developer’s name, but he ended up finding out through family member…
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'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

'Bird dogs are not half bird': 20+ Perplexed people who had no idea they were wrong

Have you ever met someone who is blissfully unaware of seemingly everything around them? They're the type of person who floats through life with an empty head, and is often surprised when you correct them about common facts . We have a lot of love for our dumb friends, although we may have less tolerance for dimwitted coworkers. When your friend says or does something silly, it becomes an inside joke. But when a coworker acts brainless, you start wondering if they make more money than you, or i…
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HOA fines guy for using his trash bins, he maliciously complies to get them off his back: ‘I’ll let you know every time I use my garbage can’

HOA fines guy for using his trash bins, he maliciously complies to get them off his back: ‘I’ll let you know every time I use my garbage can’

One would think that living in an HOA neighborhood would mean safety and protection, but in reality, it means pettiness and fines. Of course, it’s not easy to get on the good side of HOA board members because these are the folks with Tracy Flick sensibilities, years of under-explored resentment, and backward authority complexes. In short, you can’t make friends with the people who will go out of their way to put you in your place for silly reasons. It’s a waste of one’s time and energy. It’s be…
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