school student students testing schools teachers teacher mildly infuriating - 22663173

'Go with your gut!': Student fails test after changing their correct answers, shares teacher's message

Test-taking is, itself, a skill. And those of us who struggle with the technique of taking the actual test likely didn't have a great time in school, no matter what our actual aptitude for the subjects was. It gets worse than that, though, when governments impose standardized tests to gauge the school's performance, entire curriculums become geared toward not learning the subjects but passing the test itself.
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college college-fund reddit reddit-thread parenting parents parent father dad dads parent-stories good-parenting bad-parenting college-money money cash bank stealing stolen theft

'Say goodbye to [your] college fund': Teenager deliberately disobeys her father, stealing $10,000 for a vacation; dad revokes her college fund

Parents with the means and foresight to set aside some money for their kiddo's education deserve a gold star in parenting. Although college funds almost never go as planned, the idea of a bank account full of cash that's devoted to your child's future well-being is a novel concept. However, entitled children who don't really know the meaning of their parent's sacrifices tend to look at their college account like it's a vault full of happy hour drinks and flashy festival outfits.
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'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

If you're going to do some shady work, then you should at the very least do some research on your victims. Like, that's villainy 101. You can't scam a scam artist, ya know? You're already getting chased by karma, you shouldn't give it any reason to catch up. But, oh boy, when karma does catch up is it satisfying! This kind of justice got epically served recently by a guest who almost got scammed by the host of a condo he booked for a long weekend. According to this reddit post , he and his frie…
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antiwork workplace-stories employee hr toxic-workplace malicious compliance work fmla petty medical healthcare reddit thread Reddit - 22693893

'HR is not your friend': Man is brought back to life after suffering a heart attack, HR thinks he should already be back in the office

We've all been through our fair share of workplace drama, or at least witnessed it from the sidelines, totally engrossed in Karen's fierce threats to the higher-ups, eagerly anticipating her to get the boot. Or something like that. You know, the usual office soap opera. But what about this? Have you ever actually d*ed, got shocked back to life by a defibrillator, and then tried to spend the next few months recovering from the surreal "life flashing before your eyes" moment? No? Well...
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'Someone made brownies with ground meat': 20+ worst dishes people brought to a potluck

'Someone made brownies with ground meat': 20+ worst dishes people brought to a potluck

Potlucks are a gamble because, let's be honest, you are subjected to other people's food. Sure, that means it's likely free food, but at what cost? These folks shared the worst dishes that people brought to a potluck via this r/AskReddit thread, and let's just say that now I have zero desire to attend a potluck ever again. From brownies with ground meat in them to casseroles with a side of roaches, these Redditors were subjected to the absolute lowest of humanity when really, everyone could hav…
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reddit reddit-thread bus bus-ride public-transportation petty-revenge revenge petty instant-karma karma entitled insolent

'[You can't] push past people without so much as an 'excuse me'': Entitled bus patron gets served instant karma on a crowded bus; misses her connection after getting trapped behind people

Public transportation has a whole myriad of unspoken rules. For those of you who are too privileged to ever hop onto a bus, train, or subway, read no further, because the nuances of the transportation methods of the huddled masses will go right over your head.
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'The final straw was when she borrowed my car [and] caused 1000$ worth of damage': Student gets even with nightmare roommate by messing with the music library on his laptop

'The final straw was when she borrowed my car [and] caused $1000 worth of damage': Student gets even with nightmare roommate by messing with the music library on her laptop

Most young people make naive decisions when it comes to who they choose to live with. Personally, I've been known to make this mistake. Even when you have the slightest hesitation when the idea of living together presents itself, you go through a process of self-denial where you essentially convince yourself that the two of you are a perfect cohabitating match, but the reality is that not all great friends make great roommates, and sometimes living together can become the beginning of the end o…
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funny redditors reddit advice failblog neighborhood drama female homeowners funny reddit comments annoying neighbor funny revenge new homeowners neighbor drama homeowner advice funny comments Reddit nosey neighbor - 22674181

'I don't trust Big Skittle...': 16+ Redditors come up with hilarious off-the-wall remarks to repel unwanted company after woman asks advice on how to avoid creepy neighbor

When you create yourself a home, you're not just creating a roof over your head, you're making yourself a refuge, a place where you can unwind and find peace. However, sometimes you get a house that comes with something you didn't bank on, like an annoying neighbor. Sometimes annoying neighbors can turn to Karens or worse, and in those cases, it might be best to get professional help. But when it's just an overly friendly neighbor who you're just trying not to chat with, other techniques can be…
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit roommate revenge revenge-stories petty revenge psycho roommate roommates revenge-stories-reddit - 22645253

'Don't touch my things...': Terrible roommate won't let people use her things, gets a taste of her own medicine

Having roommates who use your things without permission is always frustrating, especially when there's a complete lack of appreciation, reciprocation, consideration, or at least acknowledgment of the fact that they're doing so. Still, sharing is an important way to build relationships, as mutual trust and reciprocation are key components. So, while people using your things is annoying, being overly zealous about people not touching your things is never going to fly either, and getting overly pe…
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'I get a knock on the door. It's the neighbor's mom...holding a receipt': Parent asks neighbor to pay for half of a bake sale, neighbor agrees and brings receipts

'I get a knock on the door. It's the neighbor's mom...holding a receipt': Entitled parent insists neighbor pay for bake sale, neighbor agrees and brings receipts

Sometimes on a warm afternoon, the local kids will hold a bake sale . Maybe in your neighborhood they sell lemonade and chocolate chip cookies, and in others, kids sell baked goods , like breads or slices of bundt cakes. Of course, lemonade is a bit easier to make than baked goods. So parents might volunteer help out with that part. It's really sweet to see kids get excited about being little businesspeople for a day as they sit outside and play store keeper. Plus, if you live in a bustling are…
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entitled entitled-people karen petty revenge payback reddit property trespassing home house neighborhood reddit-thread

'GET OFF OUR PROPERTY AND NEVER COME BACK': Couple buys a house from an entitled Karen who refuses to leave them alone, haunting their property and trespassing for years after the sale

Nobody likes when unwanted visitors just ‘stop by’ their house. Usually the perpetrators of an impromptu visit are judgy mother-in-laws, Jehovah's witnesses, girl scouts, and that one pyramid scheming soccer mom you can't seem to shake. To get rid of unwelcome guests, we've come up with smart ways to ward them off, usually starting with polite excuses and escalating our dismissals into snarkier, more underhanded jabs...
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22662661

'He was "reassigned" to a different department': Operations officer demands less collaboration with disastrous results, loses his job

One thing employers almost unanimously do is encourage collaboration, promote synergy, and do deep dives into core competencies in order to close the loop on big data and growth hack deliverables… While no one is completely sure what any of this means , there's a chance that your boss has used one of these phrases in order to promote whatever thing they're pursuing, and it remains certain that collaboration is often at the forefront of company initiatives.
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'[Boss] sent me a "Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays" gif': Employee shamed for calling in sick after working OT, confronts boss about his bad joke

'[Boss] sent me a "Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays" gif': Employee shamed for calling in sick after working OT, confronts boss about his bad joke

Not only did this boss have absolutely no right to question his employee's decision to call in sick, but also he made things even worse by trying to make a joke out of it. If you've ever been someone's manager, you would know that while having a sense of humor can lighten the tension, having a bad sense of humor can produce the complete opposite effect. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/ShiftyPom , who worked for a small family-run business and had recently been working overtime for several…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22664965

'Management acts like they can't do anything about it': Worker reports that company's new software is stealing employee's reported time

When apparent negligence and mysterious circumstances are working directly in your employer's favor, it's sometimes hard to imagine that things aren't actually working as intended. Longtime readers will know that I'm a big believer in Hanlon's Razor, the idea that you should "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." As with Occam's Razor, where the simplest explanation is the most likely, the simplest likely explanation for something is usually that they're ju…
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work work-memes workplace coworker coworkers work-bestie employee employees boss manager supervisor working favorite

50 Relatable Work Memes to Send to Your Favorite Coworker on Company Time

Memes to scroll in the break room
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family drama aita flight wife petty husband entitled family trip tickets reddit thread daughter Reddit vacation - 22675973

'Without consulting anyone, I switched our tickets last minute': Dad abandons daughter on family vacation to take a 40th anniversary trip with his wife

Alright, so here's the deal. Our OP (aka the dad) did in fact change their family vacation plans the night before departure, leaving his daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids hanging. But tbh, he might be valid in this case. Our OP and his wife have been dreaming about a romantic getaway to celebrate their love for the 40th anniversary for a while. It might be the only trip they can manage for a while due to the costs. But when their daughter caught wind of it...
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