'I've been doing this for 45 years': Demi Moore's conventional awards campaign for her unconventional movie

'I've been doing this for 45 years': Demi Moore's conventional awards campaign for her unconventional movie

Employee spreads rumors about coworker's promotion being due to favoritism, coworker gets back at her by convincing the entire office she's a liar: ‘Now nobody takes her seriously’

Employee spreads rumors about coworker's promotion being due to favoritism, coworker gets back at her by convincing the entire office she's a liar: ‘Now nobody takes her seriously’

 boss corporate workplace-stories jobs employee job bosses work coworkers corporations employees workplace

20+ Corporate sayings that had employees rolling their eyes: 'There is no "I" in TEAM, but there is a "ME" in there'

Boss refuses to approve employee's day off without a formal request, employee complies by ‘formally requesting’ time off for every weekend in the foreseeable future: ‘I'm so done’

Boss refuses to approve employee's day off without a formal request, employee complies by ‘formally requesting’ time off for every weekend in the foreseeable future: ‘I'm so done’

Employees get back at boss for years of workplace mistreatment by sabotaging company's chances to win a prestigious award: ‘They never really recovered after that’

Employees get back at boss for years of workplace mistreatment by sabotaging company's chances to win a prestigious award: ‘They never really recovered after that’

Micromanager enforces new clocking-in rule requiring employees to send 4 selfies per day: 'It feels unnecessary and uncomfortable'

Micromanager enforces new clocking-in rule requiring employees to send four selfies per day: 'It feels unnecessary and uncomfortable'

 dogs neighbors neighborhood husky neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors update siberian husky drone drones

Update: Guy teases neighbor's dog with flying drone, takes them to court: '[The lawyer] suggested I counter-sue'

Choosing beggar puts in $250 same-day pickup order, then demands to have it all for free: 'She never planned to pay me'

Choosing beggar puts in $250 same-day pickup order, then demands to have it all for free: 'She never planned to pay me'

 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors housing snow snowy shovel dads Father

Dad insists on clearing snow for neighbors over 10+ hours, neighbors critique his work: 'Did you shovel our walk? [...] we're not paying you'

Entitled lady complains that snow shoveling neighbor didn't plow her driveway, he gets petty in return: 'Have fun driving on ice for the next few weeks!'

Entitled lady complains that snow shoveling neighbor didn't plow her driveway, he gets petty in return: 'Have fun driving on ice for the next few weeks!'

'Of course, now I'm laughing about it': Retail boss handles young employee's first Karen-customer encounter like all upper management should, standing up for their employee

'Of course, now I'm laughing about it': Retail boss handles young employee's first Karen-customer encounter like all upper management should, standing up for their employee

roommate living situations living together psycho roommate roommates flatting Roommates roommate drama Food Thief renting - 38622213

Food-stealing roommate accuses roommates of "ruining the vibe" after they put a lock on the fridge to keep her out: 'She even tried to rally our other roommates against me'

 entitled people entitled work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses workplace-stories elderly firing story fired texts texting money work hours

Boss considers sending "unprofessional" reply to entitled care worker: 'She wants to be paid for time she didn't work'

Boss revokes honeymoon PTO planned a year in advance and offers employee to quit when they refuse to cancel

Boss revokes honeymoon PTO planned a year in advance and offers employee to quit when they refuse to cancel

Employee sabotages toxic boss's favorite chili cook-off competition, purchases chili from a popular food chain and wins by a landslide: ‘The look on his face was absolutely priceless’

Employee sabotages toxic boss's favorite chili cook-off competition, purchases chili from a popular food chain and wins by a landslide: ‘The look on his face was absolutely priceless’

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake meant for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

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