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Petty bus-goer gets payback against a seat-thief by stealing the last 30 pages of their book: 'Scorched earth revenge'

Don't steal someone's seat unless you're prepared for a little backlash.
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'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

Finding the perfect job is almost an impossible task, but we all go on this impossible pursuit to find the most perfect place of work. For one to actually have the perfect job, there is probably a long list of criteria that the job has to have for it to be the exact right fit - it could depend on location, salary, coworkers, managers, job title, and yes, even the job itself. A place that ticks all of these criteria and probably a lot more is hard to come by… That is why when it comes to a workp…
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'She got what she wanted—we decorated': Nosy new neighbor insists that couple decorate their house to "fit in to the area"

'She got what she wanted—we decorated': Nosy new neighbor insists that couple decorate their house to "fit in to the area"

When this woman marched over to her new neighbor's house , she wasn't there to greet them and welcome them to the town. She didn't bring along a plate of cookies, or offer to water the plants if they're out of town. Instead of doing any number of nice acts, this woman decided to chide her new neighbors over their house decorations (or lack thereof). First impressions matter. The couple who told this story in the r/MalciousCompliance subreddit know that all too well. Since their neighbor didn't…
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Ex-boyfriend upset that he didn't get seat upgrade after breaking up with girlfriend on a trip that she paid for: ''All my [vacation] time was spent looking after [my ex's child]'

Imagine this scenario… You want to do something nice for your partner, so you plan some time away with them. Even as a bonus, you organize and pay for their son to come too after plans fall through to have someone watch him. This is no short trip either; we're not talking about a three-day holiday over Memorial Day weekend or anything like that; we're talking about a full ten days. So, you book the tickets and pay for the accommodation—when you get there, your partner ditches you with their kid…
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‘You’re obviously not the right person for the job': Hiring manager demands job candidate leave interview after they ask manager for contact information of former employees

‘You’re obviously not the right person for the job': Hiring manager demands job candidate leave interview after they ask manager for contact information of former employees

The line between being a smart and impressive job candidate and being perceived as an entitled person who is hard to work with is very blurred. As a job candidate, you are expected to ask the right questions at the right time, and anything other than that can ruin your chances of securing the job, something that unfortunately happens to a lot of people. When I read the Reddit story down below, I initially didn't think that the questions the job candidate was asking HR were inappropriate and eve…
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'HOA wants me to build a shorter fence? Got it!': Dude forced to uninstall 8 foot fence, maliciously complies by building shorter fence on top of brick wall

'HOA wants me to build a shorter fence? Got it!': Dude forced to uninstall 8 foot fence, maliciously complies by building shorter fence on top of brick wall

For every nosy neighbor, there's the one whose clever hijinks you can't help but admire. Here, we have a particularly private resident who did not enjoy the slim possibility of Peeping Toms getting a closer look at his backyard. Naturally, he decided that the best way to combat the new neighbors moving in next door was to install a tall fence to keep them out. Well, apparently, an eight-foot fence was too high for the local HOA to permit, so they tried to throw a ton of fees his way. That's whe…
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Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

When you're left high and dry, locked out of your car, you might not want to make demands on an overworked technician. One person stormed into a technician's shop, demanding they help him unlock the car that he had managed to lock himself out of. The technician was more than just a little annoyed because A. the customer had a demanding tone about him and B. it was almost closing time, so why should he help? Plus, the dude was with his girlfriend, who had a car, so it wasn't the end of the world…
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Passenger removes their shoes on the train placing their feet on the seat in front of them, woman hides one of their shoes: 'Where's my shoe?'

“Who let the dogs out” is not a question you want to be asking on public transport especially when those dogs are someone else's toes that they've decided to remove from their shoes and display proudly to all the other passengers.
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'Get in we're going Karening': Guy gets his lawn inspected by a Karen-van of HOA members patrolling the streets from the back of a pickup truck, playful roast ensues

Every neighborhood has a Karen, but if you live in an HOA-regulated area, you're most likely living under the thumbs of a whole gaggle of Karens.
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'I never learned this, just fail me': 20+ AP test proctors who got the funniest papers to grade

Standardized testing is no fun for students, and yet every year, great importance is heaped upon these tests. It takes time away from actual learning, since teachers are forced to teach to the test instead of highlighting information they want their students to learn. No one really likes these tests, but many kids take AP tests get into colleges or to gain college credits. When I was in high school, our school introduced a new standardized test, even though we already had a few others we also n…
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'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

Anyone who has frequented an All You Can Eat Buffet establishment knows that things can get out of hand really quickly. Customers stay far too long, they overeat, they get sick, they eat more, and servers are left to clean up after everyone. It feel like a modern version of Roman Empire mayhem. Sure, it sounds lavish and over-the-top in theory, but in practice, it's all borderline disgusting. When I was in college, we had an All You Can Eat sushi place that once a year, had a Special Discount d…
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'Boss learned not to be a backseat driver': Truck driver embarrasses boss who's trying to impress an official

'Boss learned not to be a backseat driver': Truck driver embarrasses boss who's trying to impress an official

In an effort to look good in front of some city officials , this boss managed to make a giant fool of himself. You go about your job day to day doing it perfectly well. You know your stuff and your bosses are happy. But it seems like the moment someone comes in to scrutinize your work is the exact minute you'll make a really silly mistake. It happens to all of us eventually, and while it can be really humiliating in the moment, the consequences aren't often that dire. That is not the case with…
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Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

This Karen needs to check herself because she's not that big of a deal. Imagine your local newspaper publishes an article that, in passing, lists the new board members of the local school. Now imagine that one of those board members, the Karen in question, throws a fit because she feels that she has been wronged. Why, you may ask? Well, apparently, she feels that she needed permission to have her name mentioned in passing like that! Of course, she didn't need permission. She's holding an electe…
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Happy Gen Xer rejoices after witnessing a group of bicycle kids who actually enjoy playing outside: 'This was the most mid-1980s thing ever'

Nostalgia can strike at any moment, but for a Gen X dude who hasn't seen kiddos playing outside in decades, the feels hit strongest when he sees a pile of bicycles on a neighborhood lawn.
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boomer baby boomers management employment issues employee job electric cars parking spot work coworkers gen x human resources entitled entitled people - 25992709

Boomer employee threatens to sue company for free gas because coworkers can charge electric cars at work: 'He filed a complaint with HR stating he's been discriminated against for being old'

Things took a turn for the worse for these coworkers who were supposedly friends. The older coworker thought he was being treated unfairly due to, in his words, refusing to adopt a "woke liberal mentality." Mind you, this is a dispute over electric cars. The Original Poster (OP) has an electric car himself. His coworker's designated parking spot used to be all the way in the back of the lot despite the man using a cane. So, the OP decided to switch his spots because he was right in front of t...
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'Any discomfort is the result of their own choices': Traveller insists on reclining their airline seat to get back at poorly-behaved toddler

'Any discomfort is the result of their own choices': Traveller insists on reclining their airline seat to get back at poorly-behaved toddler

Parents who travel with young kids deserve a medal of some sort. Going to the airport as an adult can be a stressful experience on its own, let alone bringing along your 15-month-old who loves screaming and throwing handfuls of Cheerios. Lots of people will see your kiddo and give you a smile, because kids are super cute. What's less cute is a toddler who is on your actual flight . The little ones just can't sit still! They want to run around and play. They can't understand why they're expected…
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